Hayes John, painter, 91 w Fayette, dw 89 n
Hayes Peter D. painter, cor Lombard and
Ann, dw 158 Gough
HAYES SAMUEL J. master machinery
B. & O. R. R. 659 w Lombard
Hayne Mrs. Eliza, 33 Hamilton
Hayne Geo. machinist, 146 n Fremont
Hayne Wm. 336 Franklin
Haynel Dr. Ferdinand Adolphus F. 90 n Eu-
Haynes Chas, book keeper, 222 w Madison
Haynes Geo. cooper, 179 s Washington
Haynie Elizabeth, 14 s Ann
Haynie John, pilot, 196 s Ann
Haynie Capt. John F. 93 s Ann
Haynie Willard S. ship joiner, 14 s Ann
Hays Catherine, 175 n Howard
Hays David, carp.420 w Pratt,dw 150 Barre
Hays Dority, shoebinder, 63 s Howard
Hays Edward K. painter, 6 St. Mary
Hays Edwin W. bricklayer, 109 Columbia
Hays Frank, baker, 137 s Fremont
Hays James, blacksmith, 265 e Monument
Hays James H. bricklayer, 109 Columbia
Hays James, grocery, Elliott, Canton
Hays John, laborer, 209 Hollins
Hays John M. tailor, 2 Addison
Hays Lewis, architect, Columbia House
Hays Mary Ann, 121 Camden
Hays Michael A. chair maker, 140 Pine
HAYS & MORSE, carvers, Clay nr Park
Hays Robert (H. & Morse) 89 Aisquith
Hays Thos. 18 n Bond
Hays Walter C. clothier, 48 w Pratt, dw 30
Hays Wm. B. 245 n Canal
Hays Wm. butcher, 30 French
Haysman Geo. blacksmith, 212 Durham
Hayward Adam, laborer. 21 Eutaw ct
sale stove warehouse, 24 Light
Hayward Chas. 415 w Lombard
Hayward Elizabeth, dry goods dealer, 47 s
Hayward Ely B. discount clerk Mechanics'
Bank, 171 Garden
Hayward Jacob, orna. painter, 23 Diamond
Hayward Jonas H. (H., Bartlett & Co.) cor
Madison & Park-
Hayward N.P. (H., Bartlett & Co.) 119 Park
HAYWARD WM. H. magistrate, Man-
sion House, cor Fayette and St. Paul, dw
320 Franklin
Hay wood Elizabeth, 161 Franklin
Haywood John B. painter, 112 Mullikin
Hax Christian, street paver, 117 n Caroline
Hax John B. paver, 62 n Caroline
Hax John P. cooper, Caroline near Block,
dw 88 Block
Hax John P. shoemaker, 26 s Oregon
Hazlehurst Henry R. (Murray & H.) 70 n
flour merchants, 15 and 17 Spear's whf.
Hazlehurst Samuel, (H. & Phelan,) 224 w
Hazleit Geo. segarmaker, 30 Haw
Hazlitt Ambrose, (Edw. De Cormis & Co.)
69 Pearl
Hazlitt Benj. F. coach trimmer, 36 s Exeter
Hazlitt Boston,(Jas.H.& Co.)Maltby House
HAZLITT JAS. & CO. importers & deal,
in foreign liquors, 39 and 41 s Gay, dw J.
H. 61 Hill.— [See Advertisement.]
Hazzard Ebenezar, paper hang.180 s Eutaw
Heald Adam, laborer, 215 s Bethel
Heald Edw. (Jacob H. & Co.) 74 w Madison
Heald Howard, 205 Franklin
HEALD JACOB & CO. tobacco and com-
mission merchants, 58 s Gay
Heald John, pianomaker, 511 w Baltimore
Heald John R. tobacconist. 189 w Baltimore,
dw 97 n Charles
Heald John H. & Co. Patapsco tannery,
North, dw J. H. H. 70 w Madison
Heald Wm. H. (John H. H & Co.) Madi-
son e of Charles
Heald Wm. (Jacob H. & Co.) 158 w Fayette
Healey Dennis, tailor, 23 French
Healey Francis J, teacher. 116 Lexington
Healey Dr. James E. druggist, 166 e Balti-
more, dw 4 n Eden
Healey John, grocery, 19 e Pratt
Health Commissioners Office, City Hall,2d
floor, Holiday
Heaphy Wm. grocery and tavern, West
Falls av. dw 131 s Exeter
Heany Mary, dressmaker, 41 Pearl
Heaps Elizabeth, 169 Orleans
Heard Capt. Wm. mariner, 37 s Bond
HEARN ALFRED J. trimmings dealer,
225 Lexington
HEARN GEO. W. 647 w Baltimore
Heartline Henry, clerk, 41 Tessier
Heath Elisha S. (Collins, H. & Hutchin-
son,) 387 Lexington
Heath Francis, blacksmith, 88 Hill
Heath Harlow W. Prest. Newton Univer-
sity, 11 Lexington, dw Mt. Washington
Heath John, shoemaker, 36 Orleans
Heaton Richard H. hatter, 63 Garden
Heaton Richard H. 43 s High
Heavel Ross blacksmith, 97 e Madison
Hebb Joseph, pilot, 287 Eastern av
Hebbebrun Peter, shoemaker, 11 Perry
Hebbel Charles, baker, 160 Orleans
Hebben Samuel, carter, 106 German
Hebden Margaret, 3 Lancaster
Hebden Wm. H. Powhatan Hall, 251 s
Hebner Julius, painter, 598 w Baltimore
Hebner Martin, shoemaker, 502 Lexington
Hecht Absalom.dry goods dealer, 113 s Ann
Hetch Asher, dry goods dealer, 79 w Balti-
more, dw 41
Hecht Elias & Sons, clothiers 111 n Howard
Hecht Hannah, 211 e Lombard
Hecht Henry, cabinetmaker, 187 Lexington
Hecht Jacob Bros. & Co. clothiers, 254 w
Hecht Lewis, (J. H. Bros. & Co.) 123
Hecht Reuben, 68 n Exeter
Hecht Saml, dry goods deal. 252 Canton ar
Hecht Saml.dry goods deal. 186 s Broadway
Heck Eliza, fancy goods and millinery, 18
e Pratt
Heck George, whipmaker, 82 Jefferson
Heck George W. shoemaker, 142 Conway