George Wm. S. ladies' shoe deal.9 n Eutaw
George Zemoth, 60 n Bond
19 South, up stairs
Georgius Frederick, painter, 61 Gough
Geotz George M. tailor, rear 55 s Eutaw
Gephardt John, tailor, 75 Regester
Gephart Gotleib, tailor, 123 Wolfe
Gephart George C. butcher, 143 e Eager
Gephart John jr. wh. dealer in tobacco, ci-
gars, &c. 293 w Balt, dw 303 w Lombard
Gephart John, tailor, 350 e Eager
Gephart Lainard, tavern, 213 s Bond
Gephart Thomas, laborer, 302 s Wolfe
Gerahty Mrs. Peter, 78 Block
Geran Johanna, grocery, 1 Edward
GERBER CHARLES P. carpenter, 53 El-
bow lane, dw 126 s Paca
Gerber George, tailor 111 Lancaster
GERBER CHRISTIAN P. carpenter, 126
s Paca
Gerbrick Joseph, watchman, 30 Liberty al
Gerbiick Mary Ann, 76 Ross
Gerdes, Bulling &Wehrheim, shipping and
com. merchants, 143 w Lombard
Gere Rev. John A. 425 w Fayette
Gere Peter, painter, 30 May
Gerhard Josiah A. 21 Pennsylvania av
Gerhard Wm. tailor, 85 McElderry's whf.
Gerk John, laborer, 61 Chapel
Gerken August, laborer, 289 Aliceanna
Gerken Wm. grocery, 72 Boyd
Gerkens Theodore, grocer, 147 e Lombard
Gerlach John, tailor, 68 Camden
German Benj, plowmaker, 216 e Fayette
German Benj. C. butcher, 216 e Fayette,
dw 131 Mullikin
German Charles B. grocer, 228 e Lombard
Raine, proprietor, 3 s Gay
German George, cooper, Goodman al near
German George, grocery, 33 n Frederick
German Jacob K. grocer, 218 e Fayette
German Jane G. actress, 45 French
German Job, 223 n Canal
German John, policeman, 44 Bank
German Joseph, 45 e Pratt
German Lutheran Church, Biddle near
German Mrs. 281 n Canal
German Methodist Church, Pennsylvania
av near Mosher
Germani Laigi, stencil cutter, 123 1/2 w Lom-
bard, dw 107
Germer August, tailor, 40 Bank
Germer Henry, shoemaker, Canton
Germershausen Francis G. shoemaker, 281
n Canal
Germershausen Lewis, grocer. 1 Vine
Gerner Henry, laborer, 226 s Ann
Gernhardt John Wm. & Son, glass stainers,
16 North,dw J. W. G. 96 North
Gernhardt Herman, T.- (J. W. G. & Son,)
154 Aisqnith
GEROK THOS, apothecary, cor Charles
and Montgomery
Gerring Wm. chairmaker, 90 Orleans
Gerstenschlager Geo. laborer, 621 Penn, an
Gesford Susannah, tailoress, 80 Preston
Gessbaum Johannah, 63 Albemarle
Gesselman George, machinist, 31 Rose
Gessford Wm. carpenter, 1 Valery
Gestler John, tailor, 17 New Church
Getchlick Ernst, confectioner,495 Saratoga
Getslich Charles, clerk, 294 Franklin
Gettier Augustus, carpenter, 88 Hoffman
Gettier Cor. E. painter, 102 Hoffman, dw
Walsh near Smith
Gettier Elizabeth, 186 Biddle
Gettier George, laborer, 104 Ross
Gettier George, carpenter, Hoffman near
Gettier Henry L. tinner, 66 n Howard
Gettier Henry, turner, 235 Biddle
Gettier Henry, laborer, 20 President
Gettier Jacob, hatter, 327 Pennsylvania av
Gettier Jos. leather inspector, 186 w Biddle
Gettier Wm. bricklayer, 164 Penn, av
Gettier Wm. P. tobbacco and cigar dealer,
259 w Pratt
Getty David A. carpenter, 254 w Madison
Getty James, 141 Saratoga
Gettv J. dry goods dealer, 106 n Gay, dw
67 n Howard
GETTY & KANE, rectifiers and dealers
in liquors, 62 Thames
Getty Robert, (G. & Kane,) 148 n Bond
Getz Conrad, tailor, 226 n Caroline
Getz Conrad, tailor, 259 n Eden
Getz Charles S. artist 109 n Calvert
GETZ CHRISTIAN, grocer and liquor
dealer, 193 Henrietta
Getz Frederick, shoemaker, 153 e Pratt
Getz Henry, tailor, 50 Short
Getz Jacob, laborer, 283 Aliceanna
Getz Lawrence, pianomk. 600 w Baltimore
Getz Lewis, grocer, 18 n Caroline
Getz Powell, laborer, West al
Gever David, coachmaker, Fremont n of
Geyer Edw. G. (G.& Wilkens,) 24 Camden
Geyer John, machinist, Fremont n of
GEYER & WILKENS, ship and com.mer-
chants, 22 s Calvert
Gheo Andrew, confectioner,70 w Baltimore
Ghequire Miss, 220 Franklin
Giannini Joseph, grocery, 72 Eastern av
Gibbons Ann E. 249 Aliceanna
Gibbons Daniel P. (Dall, G. & Co.) 256 w
Gibbons Francis W. clerk, 174 s Charles
Gibbons Francis A. government contractor,
160 Cathedral
Gibbons Hubbard, laborer, 23 Constitution
Gibbons John T. sailmaker, over 16 Bowly's
wharf, dw 174 s Charles
Gibbons John, cooper, 162 Raborg
Gibbons Sarah A. milliner, 219 n Gay
Gibbs Alex, cooper, 13 Sharp st al. dw Eu-
taw near Hamburg
GIBBS EDWARD A. regalia and banner
manufacturer, 23 n Gay,dw 108 Aisquith
Gibbs John, blacksmith, 110 Stirling
Gibbs John, cooper, 53 Marion
Gibney George J. clerk, 40 s High
Gibney Patrick, grocery, 136 Saratoga
| Gibney Dr. Richard, dentist, 32 n Gay
\ Gibson Andrew, shoemaker, 42 Valery