Warranted to Wash in Hard, Soft or Salt Water.
The subscriber, (a PRACTICAL SOAP MAKER of more than twenty-rive years' experi-
ence,) having long entertained the belief that a SOAP, superior in quality to the Yellow
or Rosin Soap in common use, could be made, without increasing the price beyond that
now paid for such Soap, has, after more than eighteen months' assiduous application in
study, labor and experiment, succeeded in producing an article (pure in its alkaline prop-
erties, and without adulteration,) which cannot fail to become the universal favorite of all
families. This Soap is suitable for cleansing all kinds of LINEN, COTTON and
WOOLEN GOODS ; in short, every thing for which Soap is at all useful as a deter-
gent ; combining the qualities of the Chemical Olive Soap, with the low price of the Yellow
or Rosin Soap, as it is termed, renders it a most important desideratum to all consumers
of Soap ; and when these qualities are taken in connection with its value as a cleansing
medium, it becomes, in truth, the NE PLUS ULTRA of all SOAPS.
The subscriber is willing that this Soap, shall stand upon its own merits, and with this
declaration submits it to the citizens of Baltimore, and all, who by practical experiment,
have become competent judges of the merits of good Soap. He warrants it to wash in
Hard or Salt Water, as well as in Soft Water ; consequently it is as useful to the mari-
ner at sea, as it is to his family at home ; and to persons living in districts where Hard
water abounds, this Soap is invaluable.
Copy right Label is affixed to each bar of Soap.
The subscriber in offering this £oap to the public, has no special directions to give in the use of it, but
leaven it to the choice of the consumers to adopt any mode they may think best, he guarantees that it
will do the same work that the Chemical Olive, Cream Soap or any other Labor Saving Soap will do if
used in the same way ; he would merely recommend, as a means of saving labor, time, and fuel; that all
white clothes be soaped where the soiled parts are seen, and put to soak over night in sufficient cold water
to cover them ; the next morning the spots can easily be removed by rubbing them in the common method
of timid washing; rinse them well, and hang them on a line, to dry in the sun, when your clothes will be
beautifully white and clean. A good Suds is all that is necessary to wash woolen, calicoes, and all arti-
cles, such as silk, worsteds, cottons, linen cambrics and muslins ; also, paint furniture of any kind, gild-
ing, &c. To remove grease from Carpets, Shelving or Floors, apply the soap in full strength. Many tes-
timonials have already been received by the subscriber, as to the superiority of this Soap.
All kinds of FANCY and PLAIN SOAPS, for Toilet and common
Washing purposes constantly on band.