Somerset County fst
Att a court of his Lordship the Right Honrble Frederick Absolute Lord &
Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c. Held at Princes
Ann Town the third Tuesday of June being the Sixteenth day of the Same Month Anno Dom. one thousand
Seven hundred and Sixty One by his Said Lordships Justices the Peace in the Same County to keep Assigned of
whom were Present
Isaac Handy |
William Winder |
Gentlemen |
The Worshipfull |
Joseph Gilliss |
Ephraim King |
His Lordships |
Ephraim Wilson |
Thomas Jones |
Justices |
John Dennis Shef. |
Samuel Adams |
Thomas Hayward Jur Clk |
Whereupon the Court being Called Sat as above Proceeded to Business in manner following
Proclamation being made the Sheriff of Somerset County Returned a Pannell of
Orphan Jurors to Inquire &c. to witt William Ballard, Thomas Ward, Southy Whittington, Benjamin Warrington
Francis White, Wm. Benston, William Roach, David Hopkins, Charles Williams, Thomas Roberts, Wm. Rencher
Aaron Sterling, John Collins George Baly, Jacob Adams, William Smith, James Jones, John Jones and Jarvis Ballard
who being Severally Called Over by their Names doe Appear as above and were Sworn and Charged and Sent out to
Consider Soon after the Orphan Jurors afd. So as afd. Impannelled Charged and Sworn Returned here into Court and
being Again Severally Called Over Returned to the Court here the following Presentments Against, John Dorman &
Jonathan Tull Thereupon the Orphan Jurors afd. are discharged and that Against the afd. John Dorman and
Jonathan Tull So as afd. Presented it is ordered that Capias Issue Returnable to August Court next &c
Ordered that John Dennis Gent. High Sheriff of Somerset County Immediately Return a pannell
of Grand Jurors to Inquire for his Lordship and the Body of the County of Somerset &c. Thereupon the afd.
Sheriff Returned a Pannell of Grand Jurors to Inquire &c. to witt Jarvis Ballard, John Broughton, Christopher
Piper, Thomas Ward, William Brown, Southy Whittington, Benjamin Warrington, Francis White, William
Benston, William Roach, David Jenkins, Charles Williams, George Wilson, Thomas Roberts, Wm. Rencher, Aaron
Sterling George Baily, Jacob Adams, William Smith. and James Jones who being Severally Called Over by their Names doe
Appear as above and were Sworn and Charged and Sent out to Consider Soon after the Grand Jurors afd. So as afd.
Impannelled Charged and Sworn Returned here into Court and being Again Severally Called Over Returned to the
Court here the following Presentments Against Mary More, Mary Quinton, David Cordary, and Eliza. Tull & Indictments
Against, John Roberson, Joseph Husk, Edward Bremigem, Anthony Collins, Abigal Tomlinson, Ann Crockett, Robert Persons
Samuel Prior Ignoramus
Molatto Sue, Ditto, Ditto, and Molatto Belindo ^ Thereupon the Grand Jurors afd. are discharged and Allowed four hundred Pounds of Tobacco and to be Levied next Levey Court And that Against the afd. Mary Quinton, David Cordary and
Elizabeth Tull, Edward Bremigem, Anthony Collins, Abigal Tomlinson, Ann Crockett, And Molatto Sue, Ditto, So as afd.
Presented and Indicted it is Ordered that Capias Issue Returnable to August Court next &c.
Ordered that Wm. Hayward Esqr. Prosecutor of his Lordships Pleas in Somerset County Court order and
direct the Issueing out all Such Summonses as he Shall think Necessary to testify to the Grand Jury Against
Any Person or Person whatsoever &c.
Isaac Dixon of Somerset County Planter Came here into Court in his Proper person and prays that his Negro
Woman Dinah who is past Labour may be for the future tax free it is Considered that the afd. Isaac Dixon be
Discharged from paying of taxes for the Afd. Negro Dinah after this Year &c.
George Sharph Came here into Court in his Proper Person and prays that his Negro Woman Mary May be for the
future tax free She being past Labour &c. it is Considered that the afd. George Sharp after this Year be for the future
Discharged from paying taxes for the afd. Negro Mary &c