November Court 1760 51
Somerset fst Att A Court of his Lordship the Right Honrble Frederick Absolute Lord and
Propry of the provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltimore &c. held at
Princes Ann Town the third Tuesday of November being the Eighteenth day of the
Same Month Anno Dom. one thousand Seven hundred And Sixty by his Lordships
Justices the peace in the Same County to keep Assigned of whom were present
Isaac Handy |
Samuel Adams |
The Worshipfull |
Sampson Wheatly |
Wm. Winder |
gentlemen His |
Joseph Gilliss |
Ephraim King |
Lordships |
John Dennis shef |
Ephraim Wilson |
Thomas Jones |
Justices |
Thomas Hayward Junr Clk |
Whereupon the Court being Called Set as above Proceeded to Business in manner following
Proclamation being made the sherriffe of Somerset County Returned a Pannell of
Grand Jurors to Inquire for his Lordship and the Body of this County of Somerset
as followeth Vizt
Abraham Outten, Thomas Ward Junr. William Ballard, Joseph Cottingham,
Thomas Dixon, Coulbourn Long, Isaac Costin, Elijah Conway, Jonathan Hickman,
William Nutter, Thomas Dashiell, William Waller, William Rencher, John
Weatherly, Spencer Harris, William Gray, James Polk, John Tull, George
Farrington and William Heath, who being severally Called over by their
Names to appear as above and were sworn and Charged and were sent out
to Consider Soon after the Grand Jurors aforesaid so as aforesaid Impannelled
Charged and sworn Returned here into the Court and being again severally
Called over Returned to the Court here the following Presentments and
Indictments against Jacob Crouch, John Godard, Mary Martin, Rachel Martin,
John Newman, Aaron Starling, Young McGlawlin, James Polk, Benjamin
Huggins, William Caldwell, Presentment against Isabell Stuart, Mary
Milbourn, Elizabeth Willson, Sarah Tully & Esther McCready and that against
William Haly & John Jones Ignoramus
Thereupon the Grand Jurors aforesaid
is Discharged and allowed four hundred Pounds of Tobacco for their Service this
Court and that against the afd. Jacob Crouch, James Polk, Benjamin
Huggins Isabell Stuart Mary Milbourn, Elizabeth Willson, Sarah Tully &
Esther McCrady so as afd. Presented and Indicted it is ordered that Caps. Issue
Returnable to March Court next &c.
Ordered that William Hayward Prosecutor of his Lordships Pleas in Somerset
County order & Direct the Issuing out of all such summonses as he Shall think
Necessary to Testify to the Grand Jury against any Person or Persons
Whatsoever &c.
George Hayward of Somerset County Gentleman Came here into Court in his
Proper person and prays that he may be admitted to Quallifie as an attorney at
Law in this Court Thereupon the Court appointed Mr. William Allen &
Littleton Dennis to Examine the afd. George Hayward as to his ability and
Knowledge in the Law & that they make Report to the Court
Thereupon the said William Allen and Littleton Dennis made Report to ye. Court as
follows Vizt. In obedience to the order of the Worshipfull Court for the Examination
of Mr. George Hayward relative to his Knowledge in the Law we hereby Certifie
that we have accordingly Examined him and find him sufficiently Qualifyed
for to Practise as an attorney in this Worshipfull Court Wm. Allen Littlen Dennis
Thereupon the same Court approved of the afd. Report and admi^stred the severall
Oaths appointed by Act of Assembly to be taken to the government which the afd.
George took & repeated the list & subscribed the same with the Oath of abjuration
& also took ye. oath of an attorney &c.