June Court 1760 30
Winright his Secrys did acknowledge themselves to owe and be indebted unto his Lordship
the right Honrble ye. Lord Propry in ye. Sum of Fifty pounds Current money as afd.
of their and Each of their Bodies goods & Chattles Lands & Tenements for ye. use of
ye. said Lord propry his heirs & Successors to be made & Levied in Case ye. said
Cannon Winright do not from time to time and att all times hereafter Save
Harmless & keep Indemnified ye. Justices of Somerset County from all Costs trouble
& Expence that they or their Successors shall or may be put to by means of ye.
Birth & Maintainance of ye. afd. Bastard Child
Taken & Acknowledged ye. fifth day of
Aprill in ye. Year afd. before Ephraim King
A List of fine for Fornication |
£1..10 |
Cannon Winrights fine for Do. |
Ephm. King |
June ye. 19th. 1760 Then recd. of Ephraim King thirty Shillings for ye. within fine
by me J Dennis recr.
Somerset fst Whereas Mary Lawley is this day Charged before me ye. Subscriber
{seal} One of his Lordships Justices of ye. peace for Somerset County having had a
Bastard Child Lately Born of her Body
These are therefore in his Lordships name to Command you to take ye. Body of ye. afd.
Mary Lawley & Cause her to Appear before me or some other of his Lordships
Justices of ye. peace for ye. County afd. to answer ye. Charge afd. and this shall be
Your Warrant given under my hand & Seal this 1st. Day of March Anno Dom. 1760
To ye. Constable of Nanticoke hundred to Execute & return Ephraim King
Whereupon ye. afd. George Brown Constable of Nanticoke hundred aforesaid, to wit,
ye. first day of April in ye Year afd. at ye. County afd. return to me that he had
taken ye. Body of ye. afd. Mary Lawley and had her there ready to answer ye.
Charge afd. against her made Thereupon ye. said Mary Lawley being by me
asked whether she of ye. Charge afd. was guilty said that she Could not deny
but yt. she was thereof guilty and made oath that A Certain John Carter
was ye. father of her Basterd Child Thereupon ye. said Mary Lawley for her
offence afd. was guilty fined thirty shilling Current money of Maryland
which she paid down to me for ye. use of Somerset County
Taken & Acknowledged ye. 10th. Day of Aprill in ye. Year afd. before Ephraim King
A List of fines for Fornication &c
Mary Lawley fine for fornication £1..10
Ephraim King
June 19th. 1760
Then recd of Ephraim King thirty Shillings for ye. within fine
by me J Dennis Shef