Volume 543, Page 232b View pdf image |
June Court 1763 232 afsd undertook & then and there faithfully promised the said George Farrington that he the said Peter would well and truly pay to the said George Farrington the said Eight pounds in the said Note mentioned agreable to the Tenor & effect of the said Note Nevertheless the said Peter his promise and undertakeing afsd in form afsd made Little regarding but minding & fraudulently Intending the said George Farrington in this parti -cular craftily & subtilly to deceive & defraud the sum of money afsd. unto the said George hath not paid or him for the same in any sort contented (altho the same to do the same Peter afterwards to wit the same day and year last afsd and often since at the county afsd. by the said George was required) but the same to him to pay hitherto altogether hath refused and still doth Refuse & unjustly deny Whereupon the said George says he is worse & hath damage to the Value of Twenty pounds Current money of Mary -land & thereof he brings suit & So Forth Whereupon at the prayer of the afsd. George Farrington the afsd Peter Magee is adjudged to give special Bail to the action afd Thereupon a certain William Giles present here in court in his proper person undertook for the said Peter Magee and assumed upon himself that if it should happen that Judgement in the plea afsd. should be rendered for the said George Farrington against the afsd. Peter Magee or that the said Peter Magee should be therein convict that then he the said Peter should pay and satisfy unto the afsd. George Farrington the Judgement of the court there -upon or render his body in Execution of such Judgment to the prison of the sheriff of the county afd in satisfaction thereof or that he the said William Giles will do the same for him &c Whereupon the said Peter Magee by Littleton Dennis his Attorney comes & defends the force & Injury when &c and saith that he cannot deny the action afd. of the afd. George Farrington nor but that he did assume upon himself in manner & form as the afd George Farrington above against him hath complained and as to the damage of the same George by him by occasion of the premises in that part sustained the same Peter Magee saith and acknowledgeth that the afd George hath sustained damages by occasion of the premises beyond his costs and charges by him about his suit in that part opposed to Eight pounds Curt: Money & not more and because the afd George Farrington denies not this but the same allegation grants to be true prays Judgement for these damages above acknowledged together with his costs and charges afd. to him to be adjudged &c Therefore by consent of the parties afd. it is considered that the afd George Farrington Recover against the afd. Peter Magee his Damages afd. to the afd. eight pounds Curt: Money by the afd Peter in form afd. acknowledged as also 193 pounds of Tobacco for his costs and charges afsd. to the same George Farrington at his request by the court now here of the assent of the parties afd. adjudged which certain damages in the whole amount to Eight pounds Curt: Money and pounds of Tobacco and the afd Peter in Mercy &c Stay till March Court
court of Somersett to be held at princess Ann Town the third tuesday of June Anno Dom: one thousand seven hundred and sixty three to answer unto Henry Lowes Junr: and Edward Waters Junr: Exe -cutors of the Last will and testament of Tubman Lowes Deceased of a plea that he render them the sum of Eight pounds Current money of Maryland which from them he unjustly detains, and So Forth, and the same day is given to the afd Henry, and Edward, here &c And hereupon the afsd Henry & Edward, declared against the afd Isaac Dasheill in the plea afd. in form following Somersett fst Isaac Dasheill Late of Somerset county planter otherwise called I Isaac Dasheill of Somerst. County planter was summoned to answer Unto |
Volume 543, Page 232b View pdf image |
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