March Court 1763 197
Somerset fst Att a court of his Lordship the Right Honrble Frederick Absolute Lord and Proprietary
of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c. held at Princes Ann Town the
Third Tuesday of March being the fifteenth day of the Same Month Anno Dom. One thousand Seven
hundred and Sixty Three by his Said Lordships Justices the peace in the Same County to keep Assigned of
whom were present
Sampson Wheatly |
Thomas Jones |
Gentlemen |
Joseph Gilliss |
John Dennis |
The Worshipfull |
Samuel Addams |
Thomas Holbrook |
His Lordships |
William Winder |
Planner Williams |
Ephraim King |
Justices |
Ephraim Wilson Sheriff |
Thomas Hayward Jur Clk |
Whereupon the Court being Called Sat as above Proceeded to business in Manner following Vizt
Proclamation being made the Sheriff of Somerset County Returned a pannel
of Grand Jurors to Inquire &c. to witt John Broughton, William Smith Wm. Gray, William Hath
Mathew Cannon, John Roach, Wm. Rencher Wm. Waltom, John McGraw, Thomas Maddox, Isaac
Coston Charles Leatherbury, Isaac Mitchell, Levin Moore, John Rider Nathaniel Waller Michael
Dorman, Wm. Warrick, John Sterling, & John Collins who being Severally Called Over by their Names
do Appear as above and were Sworn and Charged and Sent Out to Consider Soon after the Grand
Jurors afd. So as afd. Impannelled Charged and Sworn Returned here into Court and being again Severally
Called Over Returned to the Court here the following Indictments and Presentments Against Eliza. Mitchell
Alley Wingate Sarah Donelson Indictment Against Marsillas Hobbs, Robert Hopkins, John Tull, Wm. Kinney &
John Records Indictment Ignoramus Against Jonathan Hill, Stephen Garland and Samuel Addams Thereupon the
Grand Jurors afd. are discharged and allowed four hundred pounds of tobacco to be Levied next Levey Court and
that Against Eliza. Mitchell Alley Wingate and Sarah Donelson, Marsillas Hobbs, John Tull And William
Kinney So as afd. Presented and Indicted it is ordered that Capias Issue Returnable to June Court next &c
Purnall Newbold |
To the Worshipfull the Justices of Somerset County in Court Sitting the Petition of Purnall |
Pet. |
Newbold Sheweth that your Petitioner is Possessed of a Negro Woman Named Patience who is |
Antiend infirm and past Labour prays your Worships to Set the Said Negro Patience Tax free and |
he as in duty bound shall pray &c. Purnall Newbold
Whereupon Came here into Court the afd. Petitioner in his Proper Person and thereupon the Petition afd.
being Read and heard and fully understood it is Considered by the Court here that the afd. Negro Woman be for the
future Tax free as by the Petition afd. is praid &c
Isaac Hayman |
To the Worshipfull Justices of Somerset County now in Court Sitting The humble Petition of Isaac |
Petition |
Hayman Sheweth that your petitioner is Very much damnifyed upon the Account of a Road that is by |
your Petitioners fence and Your petitioner beggs and desires the favour of Your Worships to Grant to Your petitioner
Liberty to turn the Said Road about a hundred Yards and Your Petitioner will make the Road that is turned as Good as
the other Road before it is turned and Your Petitioner as in duty bound to pray Isaac Hayman
Whereupon Came here into Court the afd. Petitioner in his proper person and thereupon the petition
afd. being Read and heard and fully understood it is Considered by the Court here that Thomas Jones, William
Pollit, and Stephen Addams Lay of the New Road and that the Old Road Lay open untill the new Road be
Compleat and that the afd. Jones, Pollit & Addams View the Said new Road when Compleat and Make Report to the Court
Richd. Wallace |
To the Worshipfull the Justices of Somerset County in Court now judicially Sitting The Petition of |
Pet. |
Richard Wallace Humbly Sheweth that Your Petitioner is possessed of a Negro Wench Called Rose |
which he has here Ready to produce to the View of the Court which Negro is So Opjurafied wth Age and |
Infirmity and Especially Rheumatic or other pains as to be Rendred incapable of Service to Your Petitioner he
therefore Prays that your Worships According to your Custom in Such Cases will Order the Said Negro hereafter