CHAP, 52.
the President of the said company, who may preside at the
meetings of the directors, and if any vacancy shall be occa-
sioned in the board of Directors, by death, resignation, or
otherwise, the same shall be filled for the remainder of the
term in which it may happen, by such person or persons
Case of neglect
among the stockholders, as the remainder of the directors
may appoint, and in case it shall at any time happen that an
election of directors shall not be made on the day when,
pursuant to this act, it ought to have been made, the said
corporation shall not, for that reason, or for any non user, be
deemed dissolved, but it shall and may be lawful on any
other day, to hold an election of directors, as the by-laws
shall provide, or the directors last elected, or a majority of
them, shall authorise, provided, that such election shall be
made within one month from the expiration of the term for
which the preceding directors shall have been elected
Objects defined
Sec. 4 A»d be it enacted, that the objects for which the
Liberty Copper Company aforesaid are incorporated, and
which the said company are hereby authorised to effect,
are the mining, smelting, and manufacturing of copper and
other ores and metals, and erecting furnaces, factories,
stored, dwellings, and such other buildings and improvements
as may be found or deemed necessary, or convenient, for the
declared objects of said company
Powers of directors
Sec 5 And be it enacted, That the directors of the
said Company, or a majority of them, with or without the
President, when met as a Board, shall have full power to
appoint and employ, and, in their discretion, to remove
from office and dismiss, all such officers, clerks, agents,
mechanics, artizans, laborers, and servants, whatever, as
they shall deem necessary, to attend to, and transact or
execute the affairs and business of the Company, fix their
compensation, and, when deemed necessary, require secu-
rity for the faithful discharge of their duties, to contract,
agree for, purchase, rent, or hire, all such lands, said lands
not to exceed in all one thousand acres, as aforesaid, build-
ings, chattels, materials, rights, privileges, and effects, what-
ever, as they shall deem necessary, or find convenient for
effecting the objects of the Company, as authorised by this
act, and the same, or any part thereof, and all articles ma-
nufactured under their discretion, to sell or otherwise dis-
Subscription and
payment pre-re-
pose of, to call for monthly or other instalments, from time
to time, of the capital stock subscribed, not exceeding ten
dollars on each share per month, nor on less than thirty days
notice, to apply the said instalments when received, and all