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Session Laws, 1834
Volume 541, Page 604   View pdf image (33K)
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leading to Cumberland, and for the extension of charters of
the several Banks in the City of Baltimore, and for other
purposes." .

94 An act to authorize the opening and extension of
East Street in the City of Annapolis, and to close up the
Street now leading from East to Prince George Street.

95. An act to authorize the recording of certain deeds of


96. A supplement to the act entitled "an act to regulate
the proceeding in Baltimore County Court."

97. An act for the relief of Elizabeth Demson, and Ro-
bert Miller Denison.

98. An act to make valid the proceedings therein men-


99. An Act to incorporate "the Elkton Library Com-

100. An act to incorporate the Mechanick Institute and

Frederick Lyceum

101. An act for the building of a bridge over the Great
Falls of Gunpowder, at Monkton Mills, in Baltimore coun-


l02 An act to appoint Mary Jordan, of Harford county,
trustee for the sale of certain land therein mentioned.

103. An act for the better payment of the members of the
levy court of Frederick county.

104 An act authorising Henry Shafer, George Shafer,
and Henry J. Shafer, to distribute their estate by lot.

105. An act to extend to executors and administrators,
the privilege of appeal from judgments rendered by justices
of the peace, against their testators or intestates.

106. An act for the benefit of Joshua Guyton, late sheriff
of Harford county.

107. An act for the relief of Mary Stantou.

108. An act extending the time for completing the turn-
pike road, from Boonsborough, in Washington county, to
the Potomac river, and for other purposes.

109 An act to amend the assessment laws, for Caroline

110. An act to confirm the name of James Bromwell,
and Mary Ann, his wife, and their several children hereinaf-
ter named, of Dorchester county.

111. An act authorising the levy court of Montgomery
county, to appoint a bailiff for the village of Unity, in said


112. An act for the relief of Joseph Johnson.


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Session Laws, 1834
Volume 541, Page 604   View pdf image (33K)
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