CHAP. 330,
and substantial Bridge, over the head waters of the Wico-
mico River, at or near Alien's Fresh, in Charles county;
and they, the said commissioners, are hereby authorised to
select such site for said Bridge, any where within one
quarter of a mile of the site now occupied by the old bridge
over said stream, as they, or a majority of them shall, in
their judgment, deem most safe and convenient; and they
are hereby further authorised to lay out and make public
any road or roads they may deem necessary, to connect the
public highways now leading to the aforesaid old bridge,
with the bridge to be by them erected under the provisions
of this act, and to assess and certify to the levy court of
said county, such damages as to them it shall appear just
and equitable to allow to the owners or proprietors of any
land through which it may be necessary to lay out any such
connecting road or roads, and the same shall be, by the
levy court aforesaid, levied on the assessable property of
said county, and paid to the person or persons to whom it
is certified, to the levy court aforesaid, by the commission-
ers aforesaid, to be allowed and payable.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners a-
foresaid, or a majority of them, shall cause the said Bridge
to be constructed in such manner, and of such materials, as
to them shall seem best and most conducive to the public
interest and convenience; Provided, the whole cost thereof
shall not exceed the sum of one thousand dollars — and in
case of the death, resignation, or refusal to act, of any of
said commissioners, the survivors, or those consenting to
act, shall have full power to fill up any vacancy thus oc-
curring, by a new appointment, under their hands, and cer-
tified by them to the levy court of said county.
Levy directed
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the levy court of said
county, shall levy on the assessable property of said county,
such sum as the said commissioner shall certify to them,
under their hands, at any time within twelve months from
the passage of this act, to be necessary to the accomplish-
ment of the objects contemplated by this act, and the same
to make payable to the order of said commissioners, or a
majority of them, not exceeding in the whole the sum of
Old materials
one thousand dollars as aforesaid.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall have full power to sell or dispose of, in such manner
as they may deem best, the old bridge aforementioned, and
to apply the proceeds thereof in aid of the objects contem-
plated by this act.