CHAP. 26
Passed Jan 23, 1835
An act to provide for the building of a public bridge across
Laws Thoroughfare, in Somerset county.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Travers Daniel, Severn Mister, William
Evans, Gabriel Webster, Levin Ballard, junior, Marcellus
Jones and Robert Patterson, be and they are hereby appoint-
ed commissioners to superintend the location of a bridge
across Laws Thoroughfare, and a majority of them are
hereby authorised and required to locate said bridge at the
most convenient place, and to contract for the building of the
bridge upon the most advantageous terms.
Oath required
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That said commissioners or a
majority of them shall, before proceeding to act, make oath
before some justice of the peace, that they will act impar-
tially, and with a view to the interest and convenience of
the citizens of Somerset county in locating and contracting
for said bridge, and they are hereby required to offer the
contract publicly in the Town of Princess Ann, after three
weeks notice in the Village Herald, published in said Town,
to the lowest and best bidder, who shall give bond to the
Levy court in a penalty of five thousand dollars, with secu-
rity to be approved by the Levy court, for the construction
of the bridge in a durable and workmanlike manner.
May change loca-
Sec, 3. And be it enacted, That the commissioners are
hereby authorised, to change the county road on either side
of Laws Thoroughfare, to the extent of one mile, if the lo-
cation of the bridge require it, and a saving of expense be
thereby effected.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the Levy court of Som-
erset county be required to appoint two disinterested persons
to value the damages, if the county road be changed, and
to levy the amount on the assessable property of Somerset
county for the use of the owners of the land.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid commis-
sioners or a majority of them after contracting for said
bridge shall report the amount and terms of the contract to
the Levy court of Somerset county, who are hereby autho-
rised and required to levy the same, Provided, the sum does
not exceed two thousand dollars, upon the assessable pro-
perly of Somerset county, to be paid by the collector on the
requisition of the Levy court to the builder of said bridge