assigned to the said widow, and the parts thereof allotted
to the said children of the said John Cummins, deceased,
CHAP. 7.
respectively, to be recorded and kept in the said clerk's of-
fice of said court, among the records thereof, and shall make
a like return in the said State of Delaware, at such place as
the Legislature of that State shall direct and provide, said
returns shall be signed by the said commissioners or a ma-
jority of them agreeing thereto.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
and the surveyor nominated by them, before entering upon
the said lands, tenaments and heraditaments, shall be seve-
rally sworn or affirmed, that is to say, the commissioners to
perform the duties enjoined on them by this act, and the
surveyor to perform the service to which be is called by the
commissioners, faithfully and impartially according to their
Oath required
best skill and judgment, respectively. The oath or affirma-
tion may be administered by any Justice of the Peace resid-
ing in Queen Anne's county aforesaid, or in Kent county
aforesaid. The chain carrier shall be sworn or affirmed by
the surveyor to perform the duties required of them, faith-
fully and honestly, and shall receive for their services fifty
cents a day and their expenses each, the commissioners
shall each be entitled to receive, as a compensation for
their services, two dollars and their expenses for every day
they are employed in and about the said assignment of
dower and partition; and the surveyor two dollars and his
expenses for each and every day he shall be employed in
making surveys under the direction of the commissioners;
and such further sum for making the plots to be recorded in
the clerk's office aforesaid, and for all other services to
which he may be called in this State, as the judges of Queen
Anne's County Court aforesaid shall determine to be right
and proper; and for all services to which he may be called
in the State of Delaware, such compensation, over and
above the said per diem allowances whilst survey ing, as the
Legislature of that State shall make provisions for. The
clerk of the said county court shall receive such compensa-
tion for the services he shall render in the premises, as is
Compensation for
customary for like or analagous services under the intestate
laws of this state — all costs and expenses properly incurred
in procuring effecting and completing the said assignment of
dower and partition under this act, and such concurrent and
as the Legislature of the State of Delaware shall pass, ex-
cept those hereinbefore fixed and specified, and except, also
those in relation to which the Legislature of Delaware shall
Costs provided for