CHAP. 59.
sons whatsoever, and vest in the proprietors of the Susque-
hannah canal a complete title to the land therein described;
and that should exceptions be filed to the said return within
the time above limited, they shall be heard and determined
at the next ensuing term of the said county court by the
judges thereof.
Proprietors to
meet annually
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That from and after the pas-
sage of this act, the proprietors of the Susquehannah canal
shall meet annually in the city of Baltimore, within thirty
days after the first day of February in each and every year,
at which meeting the proprietors of the Susquehannah ca-
nal, or a majority of the proprietors attending thereat, shall
proceed to elect, by ballot, a governor, three directors, a se-
cretary and a treasurer; that previous to said meeting twen-
ty days public notice shall be given thereof in one or more
newspapers published in the city of Baltimore; and that in
case no meeting or election should be held or made as here-
in provided, the officers of the said corporation shall conti-
nue to act until such meeting shall be had or election made.
Penalty for injur-
ing fences, &c
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons
shall break down or intentionally injure, any fence or fences,
or other obstructions placed across the towing-path of said
canal, for the purpose of protecting the banks of said canal
from being cut up and destroyed by wheeled vehicles, such
person or persons shall each be liable to a fine of forty dol-
lars for each and every offence, to be recovered in the name
of the proprietors of the Susquehannah canal, as small debts
are now recoverable.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That all acts of assembly re-
pugnant to, or inconsistent with this act, be and the same
are hereby repealed.
Passed Feb 17, 1829
An Act to Incorporate The Baltimore Flint Glass Com-
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That William Patterson, Samuel Moore. George
Bailey, Nathaniel Whitaker, Julius T. Ducatel, Christian
Keener, Joseph K. Stapleton, George H. Keerl, and John
Chapman, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners,
under the direction of whom, or of any three or more of
whom, subscriptions may be received to the capital stock of
The Baltimore Flint Glass Company, in shares of one hun-
dred dollars each; and they, or any three or more of them,
may cause a subscription book to be prepared and opened at
they shall direct, for receiving subscriptions to the said ca-
pital stock; which book shall be continued open at least