improving the navigation of Chester River, from Sutton's
Bar to the town of Millington, a distance of five miles, submit
the following Report:
From the information which has been
laid before them, it
appears that the town of Millington is situated in a rich, fertile,
and healthy country, and advantageously located for an extensive
and profitable trade; but, in consequence of certain obstructions
existing in Chester River, those advantages are not
available, and the trade of an extensive section of country,
which would otherwise flow through the channel of Millington
as a market, stimulating the enterprise, invigorating the commerce,
and adding to the prosperity and wealth of our own
citizens, seeks its passage through the town of Smyrna, in the
state of Delaware, From a general view of the subject, the
committee are of opinion that the benefits and advantages likely
to result from the removal of the obstructions referred to,
to a large portion of Queen Ann's and Kent counties, are such
as to claim the favorable interposition of the State. With this
view, they submit the following Resolutions:
Resolved by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Wimbert
Tschudy, William Kerby, Doctor George O. Treachard,
John Turner, Doctor John T. Reese, and John M. Comegys,
be, and they are hereby, authorised to act as commissioners,
with powers to employ an engineer and surveyor, at their discretion,
if they shall deem the same to be necessary, whose
duty it shall be to examine, explore, and survey, that part of
Chester River, from Sutton's Point Bar to the town of Millington,
in Kent county, with a view to the ascertainment of the
practicability and expediency of the improvement contemplated
by the preceding reference; also, to digest and prepare
a plan or plans, for effectuating the said improvement, and to
report the same, with an estimate of the cost thereof, to the
Legislature, at its next session.
Resolved, That the Governor,
by and with the advice and
consent of the Council, be, and he is hereby authorised and
required, to make compensation to the commissioners, engineer,
and surveyor to be appointed under the foregoing resolution,
when they shall have discharged the duties therein prescribed,
as shall deem just and reasonable, by an order
drawn on the Treasurer of the Western Shore, who is hereby
directed to pay the same.
No. 73.
A Resolution, with its preamble, relative to the State's claim
to a certain tract of land called " Common Garden Corrected,"
in Harford county.
Passed Jan. 1830.
WHEREAS, the state has a claim on a
certain tract of land