last session, chapter one hundred and sixty five,
shall be admissible
evidence in such case, without the personal attendance
of any witness or witnesses.
CHAP. 234.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted,
That all former acts of Assembly,
in relation to altering, opening, shutting up, or establishing
public roads in said counties, be, and the same are hereby
An act for the relief of Edward M. Eubanks, of the State of
Passed Mar. 1, 1830.
Be it enacted by the General
Assembly of Maryland, That
the commissioners of insolvent debtors for the city and county
of Baltimore, be, and they are hereby authorised and empowered,
to grant to Edward M. Eubanks, of the state of Delaware,
the benefit of the several acts of Assembly, passed for
the relief of insolvent debtors: Provided, the said Edward M.
Eubanks shall, in all respects, (except that of proving residence,)
comply with the requisitions of said acts of Assembly;
and that he satisfy the said commissioners that he did not come
into this state with the view of obtaining the benefit of the said
insolvent laws.
Insolvent laws extended
An act to limit the time for taking Appeals from Magistrates'
Passed Mar. 1, 1830.
Section 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall and
may be lawful for any person who may think him or herself
aggrieved by the judgment to the county court, at any time within
sixty days from the date of the same, Provided, that the person
so appealing shall give bond as now required by law,
with the condition that the appellant shall prosecute his or her
appeal at the county court next succeeding the date of the appeal
bond, which appeal shall have the same effect and operation
as a supersedeas to any execution on such judgment, as if
the appeal bond had been filed within the time now prescribed,
and the judges of the county court shall receive and hear such
appeal in as full and ample a manner as if the same had been
prosecuted in the county court next after the rendition of the
judgment by the justice of the peace; Provided nevertheless,
Appeals authorised
within sixty