An act for
the payment of the Journal of Accounts.
CHAP. 232.
Passed Mar. 1, 1830.
WHEREAS, it appears by the Journal of
Accounts of this
session, that there is due from this State, the sum of thirty-three
thousand nine hundred and ninety-one dollars, and seventy-four
cents; Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General
Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is hereby authorised
and required to pay the several persons, their executors,
administrators, assigns or orders, or to such of them as
shall offer to receive the same, the several sums of current
money allowed to them respectively, as they appear to be settled
and ascertained by the said Journal of Accounts, out of
any money now in the Treasury, or that shall come into the
Treasury, subject to the appropriation of the General Assembly.
Payment directed.
A supplement to the act, entitled, " an act to authorise the laying
out and opening a Road, through Frederick, Anne Arundel
and Montgomery Counties.
Passed Mar. 1, 1830.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General
Assembly of
Maryland, by petition, that the commissioners therein named,
proceeded as authorised, and laid out a Road from Alexander
Warfield's Mill to New Windsor, in Frederick county, and
thence to Union town in said county; the petitioners also represent
that they inadvertently omitted making Crook's on the
old Liberty road, a point in the location of said road as was
intended, and fully understood by the petitioners. The said
commissioners named therein, proceeded and laid out said
road contrary to the wishes and understanding of your petitioners,
and did not make Crook's a point as wished; Therefore.
Be it enacted by the General
Assembly of Maryland, That
Jesse Slingluff, Jacob Landis and Silas Hibbard, shall be and
they are authorised to [receive] said road, and to amend the location
already made, from a point in a wood, about equi-distant
from Nichodemus and Sauder's fields, to intersect the old
Liberty road at Crook's, and then along said old Liberty road
to intersect the former location; and the said commissioners
or any two of them shall make out and return a plat of
said road, so far as amended, to the clerk of Frederick county
court, who shall record the same; and the commissioners
herein named, receive the same compensation, and be
Commissioners to
amend location.