CHAP. 220.
plaintiff does not disclose the particulars of the
plaintiff's demand,
to plead by way of rejoinder, to any replication in any
such case, with the leave of the court for that purpose first had
and obtained, as many several matters in several rejoinders, as
such defendant or defendants, may deem necessary or expedient
for his defence, in any such case.
Passed Mar. 1, 1830.
An act to regulate the removal of Proceedings in Criminal cases,
and to make certain changes in the Constitution and Form of
Government for that purpose.
Removal of trials
for treason, &c.
Section 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That if any person against whom an indictment shall be
found for treason, murder, manslaughter, rape, arson, or for
any other offence, which according to the laws of this
State may be punished with death, or for libel; shall suggest
in writing, supported by affidavit or other proper evidence,
that a fair and impartial trial cannot be had in the court where
such indictment is found, such court shall order a transcript,
or copy of the record of the proceedings in the prosecution, to
be transmitted to the court having criminal jurisdiction in any
adjoining county, either within the same district, or the county
adjoining the district, in which the indictment is found, in
which the same shall be heard and determined in the same
manner as if such prosecution had been originally instituted
Removal of trial
for felony, &c.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That if any person against whom
any indictment shall be found for any felony or misdemeanor,
other than those hereinbefore mentioned, or for any forcible
entry and detainer, or forcible detainer, which may hereafter
be removed to any county court, or to Baltimore city court,
shall suggest in writing, supported by affidavit, or other proper
evidence, that a fair and impartial trial cannot be had in
the court where such indictment is found, or to which such
inquisition shall be removed, it shall be in the discretion of the
court, and the said court is hereby authorised and empowered
if they shall deem a removal proper, to order a transcript or
copy of the proceeding in the said prosecution to be transmitted
to the court having criminal jurisdiction in the adjoining
county, either within the same, or any adjoining district, and
the said prosecution when so removed, shall be heard and determined
in the same manner as if such prosecution had been
originally instituted therein.
Confirmation required.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted,
That if this act shall be
confirmed by the General Assembly, after the next election of
delegates, in the first session after such new election, as the