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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 528   View pdf image (33K)
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1829.                                                                                    LAWS OF MARYLAND.

  CHAP. 216.  
upon by the orphans' court of the county, in which the guardian
or guardians may have been appointed, (or given bond in
case it be a natural or testamentary guardian) as if the application
or call had been made by a security to a guardian, according
to the provisions of the act of eighteen hundred and seven,
chapter one hundred and thirty-six, section two.
    Female minority
extended to eighteen
    Sec. 5.  And be it enacted, That the guardianship of all females
shall exist and continue until the time when such female
shall attain to the age of eighteen years, or be married,
and the orphan's court of the several counties in this state,
shall have the same power to appoint a guardian to a female
under the age of eighteen years, and who is unmarried, as they
now have to appoint a guardian to a female under the age of
sixteen years; and the same proceedings shall be had thereupon
in every respect, as are now had in regard to females under
the age of sixteen years.
    Guardian of female
to deliver over
property at that
    Sec. 6.  And be it enacted, That on a female wards attaining
to the age of eighteen years, or marriage, her guardian shall
exhibit a final account to the orphans court where such guardian
shall have given bond, and shall deliver up agreeably to
the courts order, to the said ward, or to the husband, if she
be married, all the property of such ward in the hands of her
guardian, including bonds and other securities; and on failure,
his office or guardians bond, shall be liable, and he shall also
be liable to attachment and fine, not exceeding three hundred
Her release thereupon
    Sec. 7.  And be it enacted, That from and after the passage
of this act, any receipt, acquittance, release or final discharge,
which shall be executed before the orphans' court of the
county where the estate shall have been settled by a female
of the age of eighteen years, to any guardian, executor
or administrator, shall have the same effect and operation in
law in every respect, and to all intents and purposes, as if such
female were of the full age of twenty one.


Passed Mar. 1, 1830.
                                        CHAPTER 217.

An additional supplement to an act entitled, an act to regulate
    the issuing of Licenses to Traders, Ordinary Keepers and
    others, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
    twenty-seven, chapter one hundred and seventeen.

    Section 1.  Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the said original act shall not be so construed as to
require keepers of oyster houses to take out a separate license
for selling liquors in quantities less than one pint.
    Prosecutions discontinued.
    Sec. 2.  And be it enacted, That all prosecutors or suits instituted
in any county court of this state, or in the city [ ]

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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 528   View pdf image (33K)
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