church, and shall meet at their usual place of worship
on the
Monday next after the third Sunday that shall be in the month
of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and thirty-one, and on the same day in each and every year
thereafter, forever, (of which notice shall be given in the said
church at the close of divine worship on the morning of the
said third Sunday, in the month aforesaid,) and then and there,
between the hours of ten o'clock, A. M. and one o'clock, P.
M. shall choose, by ballot, five lay Trustees of the said church,
whose time of service shall continue until the next election
shall be made, and a majority of the whole number of votes
taken shall be necessary for a choice and the result of every
such election shall, as soon as convenient thereafter, be openly
declared by the pastor of the said church, and entered in
the books of the said corporation, for that purpose to be
CHAP. 174.
Election of lay
Sec. [5.] And be it enacted,
That it shall and may be lawful
to and for the said Trustees, and their successors, from
time to time, as occasion shall require, to meet together for
the purpose of transacting the business of the society under
their care, of the time and place of which meetings due notice
shall be given to all the said Trustees at least one day before,
at which meetings the pastor of the said church shall be president,
and shall be entitled to a vote on every question; and
any three of the said lay trustees, together with the said pastor,
shall form a board or quorum; and the said board of trustees
shall have power, by a majority of voices present, to
make, ordain and establish such rules, orders and regulations,
for the management of the temporary business, and disposing
of the estate of the said corporation, as to them shall seem
proper; Provided, that such rules, orders and regulations be not
repugnant to the constitution and laws of this state.
Trustees and pastors,
powers of.
Sec. [6.] And be it enacted,
That any member of the said
board of trustees shall have full power and authority to adjourn
from day to day, until a quorum shall attend; and the
said corporation are hereby authorised and empowered to employ
some fit and proper person to act as register, whose duty
it shall be to keep a regular account of their proceedings,
which shall be subject to the inspection of any of the members
of the said corporation.
Sec. [7.] WHEREAS, a certain Regina
Grandadams, late of
Frederick county, deceased, by her last will and testament,
in writing, bearing date on the sixth day of April, eighteen
hundred and twelve, and now of record in the office of the
Register of Wills of the said county, in liber H. S. number two,
folio ninety-two, and cetra, did devise and bequeath to the use
of the same church hereinbefore mentioned, by the name of
" the Roman Chapel near Westminster, on Logdon's land," and
to the use of the priest that attends the said chapel, the interest
on the sum of three hundred pounds, and the rents of all