An act for the relief of Alphonso C. Johnson, an imprisoned
in the jail of Harford County.
CHAP. 65.
Passed Feb. 9, 1830.
WHEREAS, Alphonso C. Johnson has been
confined in the
jail of Harford county, for upwards of sixteen months, on a
claim for debts, which he alledges he is unable to pay: therefore;
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the judges of Harford county court, or either of them, or any
justice of the orphans court of Harford county, be, and he or
they, are hereby authorised and required, on the petition of
said Alphonso C. Johnson, to grant him immediately, a personal
discharge; Provided, that such discharge shall not operate
to protect any property which he may now have, or
hereafter acquire from the demand of his creditors.
Discharge granted.
An act to alter the present mode of appointing the Justices of
the Levy Court for Montgomery County, so that each Election
District may have one member.
Passed Feb. 10, 1830.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the Levy Court of Montgomery county, shall hereafter consist
of one justice of said [county,] from each separate election
district of said county, at the time of their appointment.
One from each district.
A supplement to an act, entitled, an act to incorporate a Company,
to make a Turnpike Road from the line of the District
of Columbia, where it crosses the road leading from
George town to Frederick town, through Montgomery and
Frederick counties, to Frederick town, passed at November
session, eighteen hundred and five.
Passed Feb. 10, 1830.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
as soon as the General Government shall authorise a subscription,
in the name and for the use of the United States, of stock
in the Washington Turnpike Road Company, the President
of the United States, is hereby authorised to appoint five directors
of said company on the part of the General Government;
Provided, That the President of the United States, be
first notified of the assent of said company to the provisions
Privilege granted
the president of
the United States
to appoint directors.