plainly the boundaries and number of each District,
which shall be divided and laid off under this act; and also the
place in each District, where the election for such District
shall be hereafter held; and the said clerk shall record the
same among the Records of the county.
CHAP. 10.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted,
That the commissioners appointed
by virtue of this act, shall meet at the usual place of holding
the County Court in said county, on the first Monday of
May next, for the purpose of performing the duties under this
act; and the commissioners so meeting may adjourn from time
to time, and place to place, until the whole be completed.
Time of meeting.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted,
That it shall be the duty of the
clerk of Dorchester county, to furnish to the Sheriff of said
county four copies of the proceedings of said Commissioners;
who shall cause one copy of the same to be set up at the Court
House door of said county, at least three weeks before the
next election, and who also shall cause one other copy to be
set up at each place of holding the election, on the day of the
next election.
—copy of proceedings.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted,
That for all services performed
by the Commissioners aforesaid, by virtue of this act, the Levy
Court of Dorchester county shall make reasonable compensation,
and shall levy the same upon the said county, and the
same shall be collected and paid as other county charges.
An act empowering and directing the Commissioners of Cecil
county, to build two fire proof offices, for the use of the
of the county and Register of Wills, for the safe keeping
the records appertaining to their respective offices, in the
of Elkton.
Passed Jan. 18, 1830.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it
shall be the duty of the Commissioners of Cecil county, at the
ensuing assessment, to levy upon the assessable property of
Cecil county, a sum of money not exceeding one thousand dollars,
for the purpose of erecting two fire proof offices, for the
use of the Clerk of the County, and Register of Wills, for
the safe keeping of the records appertaining to their respective
offices, in the town of Elkton; and that they shall appoint commissioners
to fix upon a suitable place for erecting the same,
at or near the court house in the town aforesaid, and the said
commissioners shall also contract with some person or persons,
for erecting of said offices, by offering the building of
said offices to the lowest bidder, first giving notice in the Elkton
Press, for three successive weeks, of the day they will
Levy: contract.