the clerk of the said court is hereby authorised and empow-
ered to adjourn the said court from day to day, until he can
notify same one of the other judges of the said court, who
shall attend within a convenient time, and shall, when so.
attending, have, use and exercise, all the powers herein-
before vested in the judge of the said court resident of the
secondjudicial district; and the clerk of the said court is
hereby empowered to adjourn the sa;d court from day to
day until the said judge, so notified, shall attend for the
purposes by this act required.
CHAP 182.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the judges of the court
of appeals, at their annual summer session on the eastern;
shore, if they shall find that more than one week is requir-
ed to hear, adjudicate, settle and determine, the business of
the said court, are hereby authorised to sir so long as may
be necessary for that purpose.
Court of E S an-
thorised at their
annual summer
session to set as
long as may be ne-
cessary, &c
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That in case the session of
the court of appeals on the eastern shore shall be extended
so as to interfere with the time limited and appointed by law
for the holding of the said court on the western shore, the
clerk of the said court for the western shore shall have
power to adjourn the said court from day to day, until the
judges of the said court shall attend.
In case of interfe-
rence with sessio-
ons at the W S —
court may by ad-
journed from day
to day by clerk
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the county courts shall
be held in each county within the six judicial districts of
this state, at the places fixed by law for that purpose, and
shall commence at the times following, to wit: In Saint-
Mary's county on the first Monday in March and August;
in Charles county on the third Monday in March and Au-
gust; in Prince-George's county on the first Monday in
April and second Monday in October; in Cecil county on
the first Monday in April and third Monday of October;
in Kent county on the third Monday in March and Septem-
ber; in Queen-Anne's county on the first Monday in May
and third Monday of November; in Talbot county on the
third Monday in May and third Monday in November; in
Calvert county on the second Monday in May and October;
in Anne-Arundel county on the third Monday in April and
fourth Monday of October; in Montgomery county on the
first Monday in March and second Monday in Novem-
ber; in Caroline county on the second Monday in March
and October; in Dorchester county on the first Monday in
April and fourth Monday in October; in Somerset county
on the third Monday in May and fourth Monday of Novem-
ber; in Worcester county on the second Monday in May
and the second Monday of November; in Frederick coun-
ty on the fourth Monday in February and October; in
Washington county on the fourth Monday in March and
third Monday in November; in Allegany county on the
third Monday in April and second Monday in October; and
Time of merting
of the several
county courts