CHAP. 10.
the revenue, part of the reserve land in Baltimore county,
supposed to contain one hundred and fifty acres, for which
he bonded to the state of Maryland: And whereas it appears
that the said John Morris, alias John Morrison. on the four-
teenth day of December seventeen hundred and eighty-se-
ven, had surveyed and laid out for him the above mention-
ed land, and had a certificate of survey thereof returned to
the western shore land office, and called Pleasant Hill, con-
taining one hundred and seventy-nine acres of land, twen-
ty-nine acres of surplus land more than was purchased by
the said John Morris, alias John Morrison: And whereas
it further appears by the receipt of the Treasurer of the
western shore, that said John Morris, alias John Morrison,
has fully paid the purchase money for the one hundred and
fifty acres, and that twenty-nine acres yet remain to be
paid for; therefore,
Register to issue
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the register of the land office for the western
shore, be and he is hereby directed, to issue a patent to the
tioned certificate called 'Pleasant Hill,' containing one hun-
dred and seventy-nine acres; Provided, the said John Mor-
ris shall pay the treasurer of the western shore, the sum of
fifty cents per acre, for the twenty-nine acres of surplus land,
over and above the quantity purchased by him from the in-
tendant of the revenue; Provided nevertheless, that nothing
herein contained shall be taken or construed to affect any
right that may have been acquired by any other person, in
or to the land herein before mentioned.
Passed Jan 27.1829
An Act to prevent the unnecessary accumulation of Costs
upon State Fines.
Relative to fines
imposed, &c
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That whenever any fine or fines shall be imposed
upon any person or persons in any of the courts of this state,
and such person or persons shall give security, in the usual
manner, for the payment of the same, and costs, it shall not
be lawful for any execution to issue thereon, until after the
expiration of sixty days from the day upon which such se-
curity shall have been given.
Fines to be paid
over to sheriff
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That in all cases where any
person or persons shall or may be fined as aforesaid, it shall
be the duty of the clerks of the court, in which such fine or
fines may be imposed, upon the money being tendered to
him, to tax the costs in such case, as soon as the duties of
his office will permit, and receive the amount of such fine
and costs, and pay over the same to the sheriff of the coun-