CHAP. 7.
of directors may for that purpose appoint to act for the time
of such sickness or absence; Provided however, that if it
should at any time happen that an election of directors shall
not have been made upon the day when pursuant to this act
it ought to have been made, the corporation shall not for
that cause be deemed to be dissolved, but it shall and may-
be lawful, upon any other day, within thirty days after the
said day, to make an election of directors in such manner as
is herein before directed; and the persons who were chosen
the president and directors of the association, namely, Luke
Tiernan, President, J. Mezick, R. H Osgood, M. Kelly,
J. Hoppe, S. W. Staples and W. H. Conkling, directors,
shall respectively be the president and directors of the said
corporation until an election of directors shall be made in
pursuance of the provisions of this act, and they shall have
all the powers, and be in all respects subject to the provisi-
ons by this act conferred upon, or therein specified respect-
ing the president and directors of said corporation.
May erect Screw
Ducks, &c
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the president and direc-
tors of the said corporation shall have full power and au-
thority to cause to be erected and constructed one or more
screw docks, with all convenient or incidental buildings,
structures and apparatus of every kind soever, in the city of
Baltimore, and the same to use and employ, and apply as
they shall see fit, and from time to time to contract for and
purchase, or take under lease, any lands or tenements, whe-
ther leasehold or freehold, or of any estate that they may deem
necessary or useful for the purposes and objects aforesaid of
said corporation; and the said president and directors shall
have full power and authority to appoint any officer or offi-
cers, agent or agents, and employ any person or persons, at
and for such salary or compensation, and for such periods,
and on such terms, as they shall see fit, for executing the
works, business and purposes, of the corporation; and gene-
rally to transact all business, enter into all contracts that they
may deem proper, and take, in the name of the corporation
or otherwise, all securities of every kind, for and relative.
to the aforesaid purposes and objects of the corporation, and
to the property, means, funds, interests and claims, of the
said corporation; and the said president and directors shall
have full power and authority to ordain and establish all by-
laws, ordinances and regulations, that they may judge best
for governing and regulating the concerns, and effecting the
purposes and objects, and promoting the interest of the cor-
poration, not being contrary to this act, or to the constitu-
tion and laws of this state, or of the United States; four
directors shall constitute a board or quorum for the trans-
action of business, and the exercise of the powers of presi-
dent and directors.