provided, however, that so far as practicable appointment to
extra positions shall be made from the eligible lists; and pro-
vided further that no such appointment shall be made for a
period exceeding ninety days.
An appointing authority or any officer authorized by an
appointing authority may, to prevent the stoppage of the
public business when an emergency arises and time will not
permit of the securing of the consent of the Commissioner and
the appointment by him of a person, appoint any qualified
person during the emergency for a period not exceeding sixty
days. Persons thus appointed shall be known as emergency
employees. Prompt report shall be made to the Commis-
sioner of emergency appointments and such appointments
shall not he renewed.
13. The Commissioner shall, in his annual report, recom-
mend to the Governor schedules of compensation for each oP
the classes of positions established pursuant to this Article.
Said schedules shall prescribe a minimum and maximum sal-
ary rate and such intermediate rates as may be considered
necessary and proper to provide increases between the mini-
mum and the maximum. The Commissioner shall also report
to the Governor the rates being paid for similar else-
where, in public and private service, together with other in-
formation pertaining to a proper rate of compensation.
14. The Commissioner shall by rule prescribe standards of
performance for any positions or classes of positions and may
prescribe the form and scope of the records that the appoint-
ing authorities shall keep of the actual performance, output
and conduct of employees as a basis for the determination of
the efficiency of such employees.
The Commissioner shall by rule provide for the transfer of
employees, provided, however, that no employee shall be trans-
ferred from a position in one department to a position in
another department without the consent of the respective
appointing authorities, and provided further that no employee
shall he transferred from a position in one class to a position
in a different class whether in the same or in a different de-
partment, except under the provisions of this section.
The transfer of an employee from a position in a given
class to a position in a different class for which a, higher maxi-
mum rate of compensation is prescribed shall be considered a
promotion, and, in effect, a new appointment and may be made
only under the provisions governing appointments herein.