any general law of this State to the extent of thirty-seven
thousand five hundred dollars ($37,500) or not to exceed
fifty (50) per cent of the total cost of construction; and
to issue bonds to the amount of thirty thousand dollars
($30,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, not to
exceed forty (40) per cent of the total cost of constructing
said roads, and to levy and collect taxes in said Twelfth
Election District of said county for thy payment of said
bonds and the coupons thereon; providing, that on or he-
fore the beginning of work on said roads, the County
Commissioners of Montgomery County shall be given satis-
factory assurance of a donation of a sum equal to ten
(10) per cent of the total cost of constructing said roads.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the State Roads Commission of Maryland is hereby
authorized and empowered to build, improve and re-locate the
road running from Seneca Bridge to Damascus via Woodfield,
within the Twelfth Election District of said Montgomery
County, and the public road beginning at Lewisdale and run-
ning via Browningsville to the intersection of the Mount Airy
road with the Frederick County boundary line, in said
Twelfth Election District of said county, at a total cost not
exceeding seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) ; and to use
funds that may be allotted to Montgomery County for road
purposes by the State Roads Commission under any general
law of this State to the extent of thirty-seven thousand five
hundred dollars ($37,500), or not to exceed fifty (50) per cent
of the total cost of construction.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said County
Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed to borrow
on the credit of said county a sum not to exceed thirty
thousand dollars ($30,000) and not in excess of forty per
cent of total cost of construction, as provided in Section 1 of
this Act, for the purpose of building, improving, and re-
locating said roads in said Twelfth Election District of Mont-
gomery County, and the said Commissioners shall issue cou-
pon bonds under the seal of the said Commissioners for the
amount borrowed under the provisions of this Act, the said
bonds to be signed by the President of the Board of County
Commissioners of Montgomery County and countersigned by
the clerk thereof in sums of not less than one hundred dollars
and not more than five hundred dollars; the said bonds to bear