the relief provided by this Act, following all the conditions of
this Act, except on those which provide for the action of any
Court, and after making, in addition, the investigation which
the Court is directed to make under this Act.
SEC. 15. And be it further enacted, That the action of the
County Commissioners of Anne Arundel County in heretofore
granting relief under the provisions of this Act is hereby rati-
fied and confirmed, and the County Commissioners of said
county are authorized and directed to provide for the pay-
ment of the same and of such applications as shall be subse-
quently granted under this Act as amended; and the County
Commissioners of said county are hereby authorized and
directed to provide the funds necessary under this Act by
levying such sum annually as may be necessary or in any other
way they shall determine; provided that the sum expended for
this purpose shall not exceed five thousand dollars in any
fiscal year, and in the event of there being applications in ex-
cess of this amount which meet the requirements of this Act,
the said County Commissioners shall select those regarded as
most meritorious and necessary so that the total shall not ex-
ceed the said sum of five thousand dollars.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act is hereby
declared to be an emergency law and necessary for the im-
mediate preservation of the public health and safety, and the
same being passed upon a yea and nay vote supported by
three-fifths of all the members elected to each of the two
Houses of the General Assembly, shall take effect upon the
date of its passage.
Approved April 16, 1920.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact Section 140 of the Code of
Local Laws of Prince George's County, Maryland, title
"Circuit Court," sub-title "Crier of Court," being Sec-
tion 118 of Article 17 of the Public Local Laws of Prince
George's County of 1888, as the same was repealed and
re-enacted by Chapter 238 of the Laws of Maryland of
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land,, That Section 140 of the Code of Local Laws of Prince
George's County, title "Circuit Court," sub-title "Crier of