ested, and be paid such sum of money for his services as the
County Commissioners may deem proper. He shall be a
practical road builder, not necessarily a graduate engineer of
a technical college or school, and it shall be his duty to super-
vise and direct the work of the Road Commissioners of the
various road districts of the county, and examine, inspect and
observe the work on all other roads or bridges in which the
county is financially interested, and perform all other work in
reference to roads and bridges, or matters pertaining to road
or bridge work, as the County Commissioners may demand.
No bill against the county for road or bridge work shall here-
after be paid by the County Commissioners until first ap-
proved by him.
In order that system and economy may be achieved in the
repair and improvement of the county roads, the County
Commissioners of Carroll County may, in their discretion, at
any time hereafter dispense with the services of the Commis-
sioner of any road district, or the Commissioners in all road
districts, and work, repair, keep up and improve the county
roads, under the direct control and supervision of said
engineer; and in order to put info effect any such system, may
purchase road machinery, horses, carts or other implements or
property necessary to work and improve the roads and build
bridges and culverts, and do all such other matter and things
as they may deem advisable to secure and enforce a practical
and efficient system for the building, upkeep, work and re-
pair of the roads and bridges of Carroll County.
Approved April 16, 1920.
AN ACT to authorize the State Board of Education to pay to
Ann Virginia Garrett, of Frederick County, a pension as
provided for in Section 62 of Article 77 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland, title "Public Education," sub-title
"Teachers," as amended by Chapter 506 of the Acts of
WHEREAS, Ann Virginia Garrett, of Frederick County, has
taught school for twenty-three years in the public schools of
Maryland, and in addition thereto has taught school for seven
years in the private schools of Maryland; and *