health of the people thereof, or of any considerable number of
same, and to prescribe and appoint means for removing any
nuisance or nuisances and to enforce the use of such means
and to prescribe penalties for a refusal or failure to remove
any nuisance after the said Commissioners have ordered the
removal thereof; to restrain all disorder, disturbances, annoy-
ances, disorderly conduct and drunkenness within the limits
of said city; to prohibit gambling, unseemly amusements,
games, exhibitions and entertainments and to prescribe penal-
ties for violations of the ordinance or ordinances passed in
the matter of the premised; to establish and maintain a fire
department; to regulate the erection or repairing of build-
ings and to grant permits therefor, specifying the material
of which same shall be built and the purpose for which the
same is to be used; to provide for taking down and removing
any building erected without a permit first having been ob-
tained from the Commissioners; to prevent and regulate the
storage of gunpowder, oil or other combustible matter in such
quantities and in such places as they may deem proper; to
regulate and license all pawn-brokers, junk dealers, fire and
slaughter sales, auction sales, peddlers of nostrums, remedies,
medicines or notions; to regulate and license all ten-pin alleys,
bowling alleys, skating rinks, billiard or pool tables, theatres,
moving-picture shows and all other shows and exhibitions of
every kind ; to build and' repair sewers and to pass ordinances
requiring owners of property abutting streets in which there
are sewers belonging to the town to tap said sewers and to pay
a reasonable charge for same ; to provide and maintain a build-
ing line on the streets of said town and to provide and main-
tain a curb line on said streets.
Approved April 16, 1920.
AN ACT authorizing and directing the County Commissioners
of Montgomery County to repair and put in good condi-
tion the. road leading from Poolesville to Barnesville, in
Montgomery County, and to issue bonds in an amount not
to exceed twelve thousand dollars for said purpose and
for the collection and levying of taxes in the Third Elec-
tion District and in the Eleventh Election District for
the payment of said bonds, and interest coupons thereon.