by the County Commissioners of Montgomery County for
the construction of State-aided roads shall be applied to
the building of said road.
AN ACT to authorize and empower the County Commissioners
of Washington County and the Mayor and Council of
Hagerstown to encourage the erection of housing facilities,
homes and dwellings in Hagerstown and elsewhere in
Washington County, by the exemption of such buildings
from county and municipal taxation for a limited period.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That for the purpose of encouraging the erection of mod-
ern housing facilities, homes and dwellings in Hagerstown
and elsewhere in Washington County, the County Commis-
sioners of said county be, and they are hereby authorized and
empowered to exempt from county taxation for a period not
exceeding five years from June 1, 1920, such housing facilities,
homes and dwellings as may be erected in said Hagerstown or
elsewhere in said county, on and after the first day of April,
1920; said County Commissioners to determine what housing
facilities, homes and dwellings are within the meaning and
purpose of this Act; provided, however, that such exemption
from county taxation shall only be granted when said housing
facilities, homes and dwellings do not exceed a cost of five
thousand ($5,000) dollars for one family; and, further pro-
vided, that housing facilities, homes and dwellings for more
than one family and with more than one family apartment or
suite of rooms shall be exempted within the purpose and mean-
ing of this Act at the rate of five thousand ($5,000) dollars
for each such family, apartment or suite of rooms. Nothing in
this Act shall be construed to exempt from taxation the land
upon which such housing facilities, homes and dwellings shall
be erected; provided, the exemption from county taxation au-
thorized by this Act shall only be granted upon the application
of the person, persons or: corporations applying to the said
County Commissioners for the benefit hereof.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Council of Hagerstown be and they are hereby authorized and
empowered by a general ordinance or by special resolution