remodeling or enlarging existing structures, is imperative,
and all the children of said county—of school age—should
have opportunities as equal as may be to receive public school
instruction in healthful and comfortable buildings; and
WHEREAS, It. is to the public interest and for the direct
benefit of the whole citizenship of said county.that an
adequate fund, under proper control as to expenditure, should
be provided 'by authority of the present session of the General
Assembly of Maryland for the construction or enlarging of
public school buildings in Anne Arundel County and that
wasteful and unjust methods of erecting or improving said
buildings should he eliminated ; and
WHEREAS, Whenever consolidation of public schools in any
particular section of the said county may be practicable and
necessary, unreasonable delay in effecting such consolidation
would result by direct taxation imposing too heavy a burden
on the taxpayers.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Board of Education of Anne Arundel County,
in order to provide necessary funds for the erection of new
public school buildings and for additions to public school
buildings, and for furnishing and equipping the same in said
county, is hereby authorized and directed to borrow money on
the credit of said county, and to issue and sell bonds therefor
in the aggregate sum of one hundred and fifty thousand
($150,000) dollars; said bonds to be endorsed by the County
Commissioners of Anne Arundel County, which endorsement
the said Board of County Commissioners of Anne Arundel
County, is hereby authorized and required to give. Each of
said bonds shall be in the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dol-
lars and they shall be numbered from One (3) to One Hun-
dred and Fifty (150) both inclusive, and bear date the first
day of July, in the year Nineteen Hundred and Twenty (1920)
and be payable thirty (30) years from the date of issue. Said
bonds shall be signed by the President, of the Board of Educa-
tion of Anne Arundel County, and countersigned by the
County Superintendent of Schools as the executive officer of
said board with the corporate seal of said board attached, and
the endorsement thereof by the County Commissioners of
Anne Arundel County shall be signed by the President of
said County Commissioners, and countersigned by the clerk