The capital stock of such corporation must be at least five
hundred thousand dollars; provided, however, that a corpora-
tion with a capital of not less than two hundred thousand dol-
lars may be organized in a city containing more than one hun-
dred thousand and less than two hundred and fifty thousand
inhabitants, and a corporation may be organized with a capital
of not less than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in a
city containing more than twenty-five thousand inhabitants
and less than one hundred thousand inhabitants, and with a
capital of at least one hundred thousand dollars in a. city or
town the population of which does not exceed twenty-five
thousand inhabitants, the number of inhabitants in each case
to be ascertained or determined by the last Federal or State
In the event that any Trust Company hereafter establishes
a branch or branches outside of the city, town or village in
which it is now located, it shall add to its capital stock for
each branch established the sum of twenty-five thousand dol-
lars in towns or villages having less than fifteen hundred in-
habitants, thirty-five thousand dollars in towns, villages, or
cities, having more than fifteen hundred and less than thirty-
five hundred inhabitants, forty thousand dollars in towna or
cities having more than thirty-five hundred and less than five
thousand inhabitants, forty-five thousand dollars in cities hav-
ing more than five thousand and less than ten thousand in-
habitants, sixty-five thousand dollars in cities having more-
than ten thousand inhabitants and less than fifty thousand
inhabitants, one hundred thousand dollars in cities having;
more than fifty thousand inhabitants and less than one hun-
dred and fifty thousand inhabitants, and two hundred thou-
sand dollars for cities having more than one hundred and fifty
thousand inhabitants; the number of inhabitants to be de-
termined by the last Federal or State enumeration, unless the
paid-in capital of such trust company is already sufficient un-
der the present conditions of the law to provide the capital
required by a trust company hereunder doing business in the
city, town or village in which it may be located, and for
branches in cities, towns or villages in which it proposes to-
establish branches.
51. Every trust company incorporated under any law or
laws of this State shall possess the powers and be subject to
the provisions of this Article, and wherever the words "Arti-