proval by the Governor of the sentence inflicting such punish-
ment. Imprisonment other than in guardhouse shall be exe-
cuted in jails or prisons designated by the Governor for the
15. The Governor and Commander-in-Chief shall have
power to make such rules, orders and regulations for the en-
listment, organization, discipline and equipment of the Or-
ganized Militia of this State from time to time as may become
necessary, in order that the enlistment, organization, discipline
and equipment of the Organized Militia may conform to the
Acts of Congress and regulations of the War Department of
the United States governing the National Guard of the various
16. All matters relating to the organization, discipline
and government of the Organized Militia shall be decided by
the laws and requirements of the United States Army and
Navy, respectively.
17. The Staff of the Governor shall consist of the Adjutant
Genera], who shall be chief of staff and Acting Quartermaster
General, and shall have the rank of Brigadier General, and
whose salary shall be three thousand dollars per annum, and
an assistant to the Adjutant General, who shall also act as
Military Secretary and Aide to the Governor, with rank not
to exceed that of Lieutenant Colonel, whose salary shall be
two thousand dollars per annum, and the aforesaid sums are
hereby appropriated for that purpose annually and the Comp-
troller is directed to draw his warrants on the Treasurer who
is directed to pay the same in equal monthly installments;
the Adjutant General shall be appointed by the Governor
from officers above the rank of Captain of the National Guard,
or the United States Army, and he shall be entitled to all the
rights and privileges granted to other officers in the National
Guard in this Article; and a Quartermaster General, a Chief
of Ordnance, an Inspector General, a Surgeon General, a
Judge Advocate General; all of whom shall have the rank of
Brigadier General and shall be appointed by the Governor;
and the Governor is hereby empowered to appoint such num-
ber of aides, not exceeding ten, with the rank of Colonel, as
may be necessary to his duties as Commander-in-Chief. All
of these staff officers shall be appointed by the Governor and
shall hold office during his pleasure, and their commissions
shall expire with the term of the Governor appointing them,