The Baltimore County Roads Engineer shall be responsible
to the County Commissioners for the proper expenditure of
all money collected, by levy or otherwise, for county road and
bridge purposes. He shall have power to employ so many
and such mechanics and laborers as he may think necessary
for the proper construction, care and maintenance of the
county roads and fix the wages thereof. He shall have power
to appoint so many and such assistants, inspectors, foremen
and clerks as he may think necessary and to fix their salaries,
subject to the approval of said County Commissioners. He
shall have power to arbitrarily discharge any of his employees
or appointees, without the consent of the County Commission-
ers, but whenever any one appointed by him and whose salary
has been approved by the County Commissioners is discharged
by him, he shall immediately notify'said County Commission-
ers in writing of his action and of his reason or reasons there-
for. He shall be the sole purchasing- agent of all road sup-
plies, materials and equipment of every kind for use on the
county roads and bridges. But he shall make no purchase
except on a written and signed requisition filed with him in
duplicate. One copy shall be retained in his office. When
the amount of the purchase does not exceed $250 he shall
make the same and immediately present the bill for the same
with the other copy of said requisition attached, to the County
Commissioners for payment. When the amount of the pur-
chase will in his judgment exceed $250 he shall first present
one copy of said requisition to the County Commissioners for
their approval and said Commissioners shall immediately act
upon the same and when approved by them in writing said
purchase shall be made, by said Roads Engineer, after re-
questing bids therefor, and the bill for said purchase, together
with the requisition approved by said County Commissioners
with a memorandum of the bids received attached thereto,
shall be immediately presented by said Roads Engineer to
said County Commissioners for payment. Bills shall be paid
promptly with a view of securing the largest possible discount-
Requisitions, receipted bills and all other original papers and
accounts shall be preserved in the office of the County Com-
missioners and be open to the inspection of any taxpayer of
Baltimore County. The Baltimore County Roads Engineer
shall inspect the roads and bridges of the county as often as
may be necessary to thoroughly familiarize himself with the