issued, shall be a lien upon the taxable property of the said
Montgomery County and shall be non-contestible for any
cause whatsoever, and the said bonds and coupons, so issued,
when redeemed, whether before or at maturity, shall be can-
celled, and it shall be the duty of the said County Commis-
sioners to immediately cancel the same.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That when the said
aforementioned two roads in Montgomery County shall have
been put in good repair, satisfactory to the State Roads Com-
mission of Maryland, then the said two highways shall be and
become a part of the State highway system of the State of
Maryland as now provided by law for the taking over State-
aid highways by the State Roads Commission when the same
shall have been put in good repair, the said two highways
forming a direct connecting link between the eastern and west-
ern sections of the Seventh Election District which lies be-
tween Rock Creek and the Potomac River in said county.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1st, 1920.
Approved April 9, 1920.
AN ACT for safety to life and property in this State in the
construction and use of steam boilers, creating a Board of
Boiler Rules to prescribe rules and regulations for boilers
used in this State, which will be uniform with other State
rules now in existence, in order to provide for the free
interchange of boilers between States, and by standard-
ization increasing the efficiency of all boiler manufac-
turers, steel mills, tube mills and all makers of materials
and fittings and appliances used with steam boilers; to
define the power of the Board of Boiler Rules; to provide
penalties for the violation of this Act and of the rules
and regulations of the Board of Boiler Rules; and provid-
ing for the departmental financing thereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a "Board of Boiler Rules" be, and the same is
hereby created, consisting of the Chairman of the State Board
of Labor and Statistics, who shall also be the Chairman of
this Board, the Attorney General, and the Chairman of the
State Accident Commission.