detectives, not exceeding twenty-five, who shall not be allowed
to follow any business or profession, but who shall devote
their entire time to the discharge of their duties as detectives;
no such lieutenant of detectives shall be eligible to take an ex-
amination for the grade of captain until he shall have served
ten years as a detective, each and all such detectives to rank as
lieutenants with equal opportunities of promotion with other
lieutenants; such number of sergeants as the Board of Police
Commissioners in their judgment may deem necessary; not
to exceed one hundred and eighty-five in number; two addi-
tional round sergeants, one of whom shall be assigned as assist-
ant to the superintendent of the police signal and telephone
service, and one of whom shall be an experienced machinist,
and shall be known as superintendent of machinery, who shall
have charge of the mechanical care and repair of the motor
vehicles of the Police Department, respectively, and eight hun-
dred and forty-two patrolmen, including the increase in the
number of patrolmen authorized by Section 14, Chapter 82,
of the Acts of 1918; and such number of clerks for duty at
police headquarters as may in the judgment of the Board of
Police Commissioners be necessary, not exceeding fifteen. The
said police force may be increased at any time if in the opinion
of the said Board the public peace shall so require, to any num-
ber and for such periods of time as they may think proper
by the appointment of special policemen, who shall receive
the sum of three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) per day for
their services. The members of the police force shall receive
the following salaries, payable every two weeks; the marshal of
police shall receive four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) per
annum: the deputy marshal of police thirty-five hundred
($3,500.00) dollars per annum; the captain assigned to have
charge of the detective office shall receive sixty dollars per
week, and each other captain shall receive fifty dollars per
week; the lieutenant assigned to have charge of the Bureau of
Identification shall receive forty-seven dollars per week; and
all other lieutenants and detectives shall each receive forty-
three dollars per week; each round sergeant thirty-eight dol-
lars per week; each sergeant thirty-four dollars per week;
each turnkey thirty dollars per week; the patrolmen shall re-
ceive the salaries provided for in Section 745 1/2 of this Act;
each station-house clerk shall receive thirty dollars per week,
and each clerk not otherwise provided for in this section shall