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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 1078   View pdf image (33K)
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hundred nor more than five hundred dollars; and, if a natural
person, shall be imprisoned not less than ten nor more than
thirty days in the discretion of the Court; and in the case
of any conviction or convictions under this section subsequent
to the second; such person or persons, body politic or corpo-
rate shall be fined on each occasion at least double that im-
posed upon him, her, them or it on the last preceding convic-
tion ; and, if a natural person, shall be imprisoned not less
than thirty nor more than sixty days in the discretion of the

Court; all fines to be imposed under this section shall be
paid to the State. Provided that in addition to such license
fees as may not be payable therefor before any such exhibi-
tion shall be given in Baltimore City there shall be paid to
the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Baltimore City,
for the. use of the State, the following license fees, to wit:
There shall be charged for each year a minimum license fee
of $100 for any moving picture house with a seating capacity

of one hundred people or less and an additional license fee

of $1.00 per seat for each and every seat within any such
moving picture house having over one hundred seats, up to
and including fifteen hundred seating capacity and no more.
And, provided further, that the price or charge for admission
shall on no occasion, performance or showing of a moving
picture be a greater charge on Sunday than that made for
admission on week days.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall, at
the General Election to be held on the Tuesday after the first
Monday of November, 1920, be submitted to the legal and
qualified voters of the City of Baltimore for their approval
or rejection.

The Supervisors of Elections of the City of Baltimore shall
have printed upon the ballots to be used at the said election in
November, 1920, the following proposition :

Shall the present laws be amended to permit motion pic-
tures on Sunday ?

After this there shall be printed on the ballot the following:

For Motion Pictures on Sunday

Against Motion Pictures on Sunday

The Supervisors of Elections of the City of Baltimore shall
canvass the returns and certify the number of votes cast for
and against amending the Sunday laws in like manner as other


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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 1078   View pdf image (33K)
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