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Session Laws, 1836
Volume 537, Page 520   View pdf image
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cord said commissions in books for the
purpose, and afterwards deliver the ori-



ginal to the justices &c.
MAGISTRATES COURTS,— Further supplement to
tiie act to establish, in the several coun-



ties of this State &c.
May summon witnesses residing in dif-
ferent counties, to testify on trials before


Such summons to be directed to consta-
ble residing in the district imwhich such


court is held,
And returned to the court before which



trial is had,
Witnesses so summoned, liable to at-
tachment and fine for non attendance, as



if residing in the county,
In all cases tried before a single jus-
tice of the peace, cither party may appeal



to the county court or district court,
Case so removed shall be tried de novo
Appeal may be refused unless costs are





paid which have occurred,
Associate justice, when presiding in,
shall be entitled to the per diem now al-


lowed to chief justice,
Parties to any suit before, may appeal



in person, by attorney, or by agent,
Regulating appearances,
In case of sale of real estate by
process of, the chief justice of, shall place
in the hands of the clerk of the county
court, all the papers and proceedings in


the case, within six months &c.
Duty of the clerk to record,
The record to be legal evidence,
When any two justices are interested
in any matter pending before &c., the re





maining justice shall hold jurisdiction &c
If all three be interested, any neigh,
bouring district court shall have juris-



diction of the case,
MAGRUDER, ISAAC G.— Late collector of Prince



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Session Laws, 1836
Volume 537, Page 520   View pdf image
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