less renewed as a special partnersliip ac-
cording to the provisions of the last sec-
LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS,— The name of the ge-
neral partners only shall be used in the
firm, and without the word Co.,&c.
If the name of a special partner be used,
he shall be deemed a general partner,
General partners only shall transact
the business of the partnership,
If special partners intcrfere, they shall
be deemed general partners,
Special partners may examine the state
and progress of the partnership, and ad-
vise, &c.
No part of the capital to be withdrawn
by special partner, or transferred to him,
in dividends, profits or otherwise, during
continuance of the partnership,
Any partner may receive lawful inter-
est from the firm on the capital contribu-
ted by him, provided it does not diminish
the amount of the original capital
If the capital be reduced by any such
payment, the partner receiving shall re-
store the amount with interest,
The general partners shall be accoun-
table to each other, and to the special
partners, both in law and equity, for the
management of the concern,
Every partner who shall be guilty of
fraud in the management of the affairs,
&c. shall be liable civilly to the party in-
See Insolvency, ch. 97 sec. 15-16-17-18
Suits respecting business shall be
brought against general partners only, ex-
cepting where general partners have
made themselves liable under the provis-
ions of this act as general partners,
In case of suit against special partner,
and on trial, it appears that they are not
liable, the court may adjudge and decree
against the partners that are liable, in the