No. 61.
Passed Mar. 21,
Resolution relative to the first Election District in
Baltimore County.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Commissioners of Baltimore county, be, and they
are hereby authorised and directed forthwith, at their
discretion to select and designate the place at which
district of Baltimore county, any thing contained in any
law to the coi.trary notwithstanding; provided always,
that the place which they may so designate and fix,
shall be situate on the Frederick town turnpike road,
and he West of the sixth mile stone.
No. 62.
Passed Dec. 31
Resolution authorising the Governor to issue a Com-
mission to the Honorable' John S. Spencc, as United
States Senator, to supply the vacancy occasioned by
the death of the Honorable Robert H. Goldsborough.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
his Excellency, the Governor, be, and he is hereby re-
quested to issue a commission in the usual form, to the
Honorable John S. Spence, as a Senator to represent
this State in the Congress of the United States, to sup-
ply the vacancy occasioned by the decease of the late
Honorable Robert H. Goldsborough.
No. 63.
Passed Feb. 26
Resolution authorising the Governor to issue a Com-
mission to the Honorable John S. Spence, Esquire,
United States Senator.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
his Excellency, the Governor, be, and he is hereby re-
quested to issue a commission in the usual form, to the
Honorable John S. Spence, as a Senator to represent
this State in the Congress of the United States, for
the term of six years from the fourth day of March