No. 45.
Passed Mar.16,
Resolution authorising the Librarian to prepare a new
Catalogue of the books belonging to the Library.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the State Librarian is hereby authorised and directed
to prepare a new catalogue of the books belonging to
the Library, and that he superintend the printing
thereof, and that the Governor and Council cause to be
paid the expenses accruing thereon.
Passed Mar. 5,
Resolution authorising the State Librarian, to procure
the works of Sir George Calvert.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the State Librarian, be directed to include in the list
of books already authorised to be procured from Lon-
don, the works of Sir George Calvert, comprised in
one volume folio, and printed in the early part of the
seventeenth century at London.
Passed Mar.30
Resolution in favor of the Rev. Mr. Poisal, and the
Rev. Mr. McElhiney, Chaplains to the Senate and
House of Delegates.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is
hereby authorised and directed to pay to the Rev. Mr.
Poisal, Chaplain to this house, and the Rev. Mr. Mc-
Elbiney, Chaplain to the senate, each, the sum of one
hundred dollars, as a remuneration for performing
divine service during the present session of Legisla-