a sea voyage, could be made to enter them; and where-
as, the inducements to the coasting tonnage to resort
there for these amongst other objects, will by the com-
pletion of the rail road from Baltimore and Philadel-
phia to some eligible point or points on the waters of
the Jound, be greatly increased, as they will, farther
should the proposed connection be formed between the
Pocomoke and Annemesic rivers; and whereas, the re-
moval of obstructions from these rivers,and thereby pro-
moting industry and commerce, and increasing the ac-
tive tonnage of this State, and of the commercial cities
of the Union, is an object of general concern, and asit is
desirable to ascertain the extent and character of
such obstructions, and the practicability aiid cost of
such improvements, with a view to their removal, and
as all such examinations. and enquiries especially ap-
pertain to the functions of the General Government of
the United States;— Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
our Senators and Representatives in Congress be, and
they are hereby requested to use their iiest exertions to
cause to he made by the General Government of the
United States, as speedily as practicable, a survey of
the navigable rivers, immediately above Watkins'
Point, and of so much of Tangier Sound as has an im-
mediate connection with the navigation of said rivers,
for the purpose of ascertaining the depth, of water, the
improvements which may be made for the benefit of
commerce, and the probable cost of such improve-
Resolved, That his Excellency, the Governor, here-
quested to transmit copies of these resolutions to each
of the Senators and Representatives in Congress.
No. 16.
Passed Feb. 28
Resolution respecting Register of Wills of Carroll
Resolved by the General Assembly, of Marylnad, That
his Excellency the Governor, be, and he is hereby re-
quested to issue a commission in the usual form, to John
Baumgartner, as Register, of Wills for Carroll county.