No. 12.
Passed Jsn. 19,
Resolution in favor of Susanna Shirlcy, widow of Ben-
net Shirley a soldier of the revolution.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is here-
by authorised and directed to pay to Susanna Shirrey,
widow of Bennet Shirley, or order, out of any unap-
propriated money in the Treasury, the half pay of a
private during her life, as a further remuneration for
his services during the revolution.
Passed Jan. 36,
Resolution in favor of Elizabeth Ayres, widow of
Thomas Ayres, a Soldier of the Revolution.
Resolved by the Genera! Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is
hereby authorised and directed to pay to Elizabeth
Ayres, widow of Thomas Ayres, or order, out of any
unappropriated money in the Treasury, the half pay of
a private during her life, as a further remuneration for
his services, during the revolution.
Passed Jan. S3,
Preamble and resolution relating to the Nanticoke
Bridge Company.
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this General
Assembly that the bridge over the Nanticoke river, at
Vienna, between Dorchester and Somerset counties, is
now in a state of extreme dilapidation, and without
extensive and immediate repairs will soon -be impassi-
ble; and whereas, the said bridge is of vast importance
as the post route and only thoroughfare forjthe'soutliem
counties of the Eastern Shore, and tbo citizens of that
portion of the State will suffer great inconvenience and
injury from its decay, and be obliged to resort to the
use of a ferry boat, which at .that place would always