and benefit to national officers, who in the enjoyment
of the franking privilege, have been enabled to send
much valuable information to their constituents on sub-
jects deeply interesting and important to them, as citi-
zens of this free and enlightened republic: and believ-
ing from the present prosperous condition of the post
office department that the lime has arrived for the
more general division of the advantages and benefits
which would flow from a further extension of the frank-
ing privilege, — Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the franking privilege should be extended to the seve-
ral Governors of the sovereign States composing this
Resolved, That the franking privilege should be ex-
tended to the members and chief Clerks of the several
Legislatures of the States of this Union, during their
sessions, if the same can be granted without interfer-
ence with the proposed reduction on private postages.
Resolved, That his Excellency the Governor be, and
he is hereby respectfully requested to send a copy of
the above preamble and resolutions to the Governor of
each of the States of this Union, with a respectful re-
quest that the same may be presented to their several
Resolved further, That the Governor be, and he is
hereby respectfully requested to send a copy of the
preservatives of this State in the Congress of the
United States, and solicit their earnest and diligent ex-
ertions to obtain an act of Congress to carry into full
effect the purpose and intention of the above resolu-
No. 8.
Passed Jan. 28,
Resolution in favor of James Vane, one of the legal
representatives of Lucretia Vane.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland. That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to James
Vane, one of the legal representatives of Lucretia
Vane, or to his order, nine dollars and seventy-seven
cents, being for two months and twenty-eight days pen-