CHAP. 225.
er if required, with statements of the amount of the
capital stock of the said corporation, and of the debts
due to and from the same, of the monies deposited there-
in, of the notes in circulation, of the cash and property
on hand, and of the profits made, and shall have a
right to inspect such general accounts in the books of
Private ac-
count, except-
the hank as shall relate to the statement, but nothing
herein contained to imply a right of inspecting the ac-
count of any private individual or individuals with the
bank, nor shall such general statement and power of
inspection be used for any other purpose than to enable
him to form and express a just opinion of the state of
the institution, and when required to report the grounds
of said opinion to the Legislature,
Issues limited
ART. 5. The issues or notes usually denominated
bank notes, which it shall be lawful for the taid cor-
poration to issue, shall not at any time exceed the
amount of the capital stock actually paid in by the sub-
scribers, nor shall any of said issues or notes be for a
less sum than five dollars.
Oath of officers,
ART. 6. The president, each director, cashier, or
treasurer, before he enters upon the duties of his office,
shall take the following oath or affirmation, as the case
may be, I do swear or
affirm, that I will faithfully, impartially, diligently
and honestly execute the duties of
agreeably to the provisions of law and the trust repos-
ed in me, to the best of my skill and judgment.
Amount of lia-
bilities limited
ART. 7. The total amount of the debts which the
said corporation shall at any time owe, exclusive of
its issues or notes, usually denominated bank notes,
whether by bond, bill, note, or other contract, shall not
exceed the amount of the capital actually paid into said
Case of excess
bank, unless the contracting of a greater debt shall
have been previously authorized by a law of this State,
Personal res-
and in case of excess, the directors under whose ad-
ministration it shall happen, shall be liable for the
same, in their natural and private capacities, and an
action may in such case be brought against them or
any of them, or their heirs, executors or administra-
tors in any court of record of this State, by any cre-
ditors or creditor of said corporation, and may be pro-
secuted to judgment and execution, any condition,
covenant or agreement to the contrary notwithstand-