man, Edmond Munroe, William McMahon, William
Matthews, Andrew Bruce, James Smith, George Mc-
Culloch, and John Pickell, be, and they are hereby
appointed commissioners, under the direction of a ma-
jority of whom, subscriptions may be received to the
capital stock of the Union Bank of Allegany hereby
incorporated, and they or a majority of them shall
cause books to be opened at such times in the town of
Cumberland, and in the cities of Frederick, Washing-
ton, and Baltimore, and such other places as they may
direct, under their direction, or the direction of such
CHAP. 225.
persons las they or a majority of them shall appoint for
the purpose of receiving subscriptions to the capital
stock of said bank, after giving at least four weeks
public notice in all the newspapers published in said
town, and in at least two of the newspapers published
in each of the cities of Frederick, Washington, and
Baltimore, and in every other place where books shall
To receive sub-
Notice required
be directed to be opened as aforesaid, of such times,
places and purpose, that upon the first opening of said
books, they shall be kept open from day to day, fot
six days, exclusive of Sunday, from ten o'clock A. M,
until two o'clock P. M. and if at the expiration of that
period, subscriptions to the said capital stock shall not
have been obtained to the amount necessary to the in-
corporation of said bank, the commissioners or a ma-
Books open
jority of them, may cause the said books to be opened
from time to tune, after the expiration of said six days
upon again giving the notice herein before required,
May re-open
for thn space of twelve months thereafter, unless the
said amount be sooner subscribed, and if the subscrip-
tion made necessary to the incorporation of said bath
shall not be obtained before the expiration of said twelve
months, this act and all subscriptions under it, shall
be null and void, and if any of the said commissioners
shall die, resign, or refuse to act, the duties devolved or
them, being unfinished, another shall be appointed ir
his stead, by the remaining commissioners or a major-
ity of them.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the capital stock of
the said bank shall consist of five thousand shares of
one hundred dollars each, and that as soon as three
thousand shares of said stock shall be subscribed, th
proprietors of said shares, their successors and assign
Capital $500,.