cancy, of which ten days notice at the least, exclud-
ing the day of notice and the day of election, shall be
CHAP. 197.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That so much of the thir-
ty-seventh article of the constitution as provides that
no senator or delegate to the General Assembly, if he
shall qualify as such, shall hold or execute any office
of profit during the time for which he shall be
elected, shall be and the same is hereby repealed.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That no senator or de-
legate to the General Assembly, shall during the time
for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil of-
fice under the constitution and laws of this State, which
shall have been created, or the emoluments thereol
shall have been increased during such time; and no se-
nator or delegate, during the time he shall continue tc
act as such, shall be eligible to any civil office what-
Disqualified to
hold any civil
office, &c.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That at the election for
delegates to the General Assembly, for the December
session of the year of our Lord eighteen hundred am
thirty-eight, and at each succeeding election for dele-
gates, until after the next census shall have been taken
Election of De-
legates until
and officially promulged, five delegates shall be elect
ed in and for Baltimore city, and one delegate in and
for the city of Annapolis, until the promulging of the
census for the year eighteen hundred and forty, when
the city of Annapolis shall be deemed and taken as a
part of Anne Arundel county, and her right to a sepa
Five from city
of Baltimore,
rate delegation shall cease; five delegates in and for
Baltimore county; five delegates in and for Frederick
eounty, and four delegates in and for Anne Arunde
county, and four delegates in and for each of the seve
ral counties respectively, hereinafter mentioned, to wit
Dorchester, Somerset, Worcester, Prince George's
Harford, Montgomery, Carroll and Washington; am
Five delegates
Four delegates
three delegates in and for each of. the several countie
respectively, hereinafter next mentioned, to wit: Cecil
Kent, Queen Ann's, Caroline, Talbot, Saint Mary's
Charles, Calvert and Allegany.
Three delegates
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That from and after the
period when the next census shall have been taken and
officially promulged, and from and after the official
promulgation of every second census thereafter, the
Ratio of dele-
gates after cen-
sus of 1840