CHAP. 169.
An act to divorce Sarah Richards, of the city of Balti-
more, from her husband Isaiah Richards.
Passed Mar. 10,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sarah Richards, of the city of Baltimore, be and
she is hereby divorced, a mensa et thoro, from her hus-
band Isaiah Richards.
An act for the better regulation of the School Districts
in the upper election district of Caroline county, so
far as relates to the school district number three.
Passed Mar. 10,
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General As-
sembly, by the petition of sundry citizens of the school
district number three, in the upper election district of
Caroline county, that they labor under great inconve-
nience from the smallness of their said school district,
which renders them altogether unable to conform to the
law of eighteen hundred and thirty-one, and the seve-
ral supplements thereto, for the distribution of the do-
nation to colleges and academies, and the application
of the charity school fund in the several couutis of this
State, for remedy whereof,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Thomas Burchenal, Thomas Clen-
denning, George Newlee, Abraham Jump and Parrot
Roe, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners,
who, or a majority of whom, are hereby authorised
and directed to proceed on or before the tenth day of
June next, to review the school district number three
in the upper election district of Caroline county, and
make surh alterations and enlargements of the same
as they in their judgment may deem expedient and ne-
cessary, without infringing too much on the interest
of the adjoining school districts, so as to increase the
number of scholars, and entitle it to the provisions o
the act of Assembly passed at December session, eigh-
to review and
teen hundred and thirty-one, and the several supple
ments thereto, and make return of such alteration, if
Make return