An act for the condemnation of a certain lot of grounds
in Dorchester county, at or near the upper ferry of
Taylor's Island, for the use of a ferryman, and for
other purposes.
CHAP. 24.
Passed Jan. 28
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Whitefild Woolford, John Bro-
hawn, James Smith, Samuel Travers, of M. and Thom-
as A. Edmondson, be, and they are hereby appointed
commissioners to meet on or before the first day of
June, in the present year, aud at such other times as
they may thereafter determine, at a place commonly
called the upper ferry of Taylor's Island, lying on the
waters of the little Choptank, in Dorchester county,
to examine and determine whether the public interest
requires that a lot shall be condemned for the purposes
hereinafter named.
to determine.
SEC. 2. And be if enacted, That if in the opinion of
said commissioners, or a majority of them, the public
convenience does require that a lot shall.be condemn-
ed for the keeper of said ferry, and that the interest of
the public will be thereby greatly promoted, they or a
majority of them are hereby authorised and required
to survey, mark and bound, for the use of said ferry-
man, at or near the aforesaid place, a piece of ground,
not exceeding the quantity of one acre.
Survey directed.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid com-
missioners or a majority of them, shall cause to be erec-
ted on the lot so laid out by them, a good and substan-
tial dwelling house, of such materials, and of such di-
mensions, as they in their discretion may think suita-
ble for the keeper of said ferry.
Erect dwelling.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the said commissioners, or a majority of them to
return immediately after they have caused the said
piece of ground to be surveyed, marked and bounded,
to the clerk of Dorchester county court, a plat there-
of, and also a certificate stating the amount of dama-
ges sustained by any person or persons, on whose land
or premises the said public lot may be so condemned
and established, and the said clerk is hereby authori-
Certificate of